Gamma warbeast Philip H. Anselmo of Pantera, Arson Anthem, Southern Isolation, Superjoint Ritual, Down: Se-SEE 8w7 sx/sp

"This next song is dedicated to me because I kick so much motherfucking ass."

"There it is again. Image. Once again. I get really tired of it quick."

"I felt like a walking Slayer concert."

"Are you elite members of the upstairs killer fucking tripout organisation of fuckers 'n stuff?"

"No dinner for me, only fluids the doctor said."

"Thank God for Methadone..."

"This next song to me is about an absolute piece of fucking art when it fucking comes to a prototype of fucking heavy fucking metal meets fucking hard motherfucking core. So listen, the very motherfucking first note you hear of fucking music, I wanna see this motherfucking place lose all sense of fucking reality and fucking go, and I mean go HARD. I wanna see more fuckin people up here, I wanna see more fucking people out there, and you upstairs: I love ya, I respect ya, just show me every motherfucking thing you fucking got."

"Don’t underestimate the kid, you’re fucking crazy if you do. And I am the kid."

"If you see a guy holding his girl to this next song, knock him on his fucking ass."

"I am extremist when it comes to everything. Anything I set my mind to, I am an absolute extremist — I cannot say it any better."

"My name is Philip... and I'm sure I fucked all your girlfriends."

"Don't regret rules I broke, when I die bury me in smoke!"

"The universal language, two of them: Heavy metal and marijuana."

"I've toured with hundreds of bands; I've seen hundreds of addictions. PANTERA... Still... Still... Don't you even imagine this ain't true, and if you do, you'd better wake up and apologize — we were the hardest-drinking band on the planet. Hands down."

"…And she tripped over my penis."

"I was with a friend of mine. I was home with dope. This was 2002, or 2003... I'm not gonna guess anymore, but somewhere around there. And this friend of mine, we used to party back in the day — shoot dope all the time. This guy was a little bit of a follower. Smart guy. Extremely talented. Anyway, me and him were together, we were speeding down the highway — a pitch-dark highway in Louisiana somewhere on our way to a gig. And there's two guys driving upfront. And he tells me, 'Man, I'd like to party tonight.' And I'm sitting there thinking to myself, 'Wow, it's been awhile, man. You sure? You sure?' 'Yeah, I'm sure.' So, me being the medical genius I am back then, I gave him what I'd call a 'pussy shot' — a little bit; just a little touch. And I injected him. I asked him, 'How're you feeling, bro?' And he was, like, [speaking slowly], 'Good, man.' Someone upfront asked me a question — just like that; that quick — and I turned around, I answered, I turned back around, and this dude was stiff, his eyes were closed and his lips were like that [pushing his lips together], tight. And I said, 'Hey!' I called his name several times. No answer. Boom. I'm freaking out. I grab this dude, and he is as rigid as rigor mortis. And I'm grabbing him and I'm shaking him and shaking him and I'm pulling his beard and I'm slapping his face, and I grabbed the ice cooler and I reached down his damn pants, I'm putting ice down his pants. My friend, who I've known since I was 16 years old, is overdosing. Ain't no damn hospital! Speeding down the back roads of Louisiana. I'm looking around and I'm freaking. I don't know where to tell these guys to drive, and my friend, he's dead. I freaked out and I went [makes punching motion] right in his chest. Boom. His eyes popped open. One pupil was looking this way and the other one this way — kind of like the actor Marty Feldman. And I was scared, man. He wasn't back yet, man; he looked crazy. I was thinking brain damage, retardation... I didn't know what was going on, [so] I hit him again. And his eyes went right back together. And I'm like, 'Oh, my God.' I stayed awake with him all night long. He was sleepy. Kept trying to dose off. Probably still loaded. Boom, I'd kick him. We got back to my house. I laid him out on my sofa. We stayed up 'till the sun came up. I stayed up with him. I wouldn't let him go to sleep. And this whole time, I'm sitting there thinking to myself, 'I just killed my best friend and brought him back to life.' No, I ain't a saint. I ain't no saint, man. I'm the king of liars. I'm the king of deceit. It's what heroin makes you. It's what dope makes you. Cocaine, heroin... whatever. They all go hand in hand. They're all in the same boat, and that boat sinks. It's got holes in it. And that was the last time I ever picked that damn needle up. That was the last time I did heroin."