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Thread: Gamma Examples

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    imo the Fi-est pic is the second one that shows her in the character she plays (good israeli cop)

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    redbaron's Avatar
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    Johnny Depp is not ESI. good grief. can you people not see the Fe-creative in that guy? He's IXFp. and Tim Burton is ENTp.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    Johnny Depp is not ESI. good grief. can you people not see the Fe-creative in that guy? He's IXFp. and Tim Burton is ENTp.
    i agree with you, redbaron.

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    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Ashton probably won't like this one, but I think Bradley Cooper is a gamma. Could be Beta.
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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    Ashton probably won't like this one, but I think Bradley Cooper is a gamma. Could be Beta.
    what is it about Bradley Cooper that bothers the hell out of me? I feel like I have to actually pay attention and try to save people from him. lol

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    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    Inés Efron

    Granted, when I first saw her on screen, it felt as if I was seeing my own self, which I supposed helped me feel less invisible to myself. I chose this picture because I immediately was reminded of dolphin. I only know of her playing in queer Argentinian films ("The Fish Child" and "XXY) which hold atmospheres of subtle emotionalism which I personally find impossible to resist as action, gestures, and short lines of dialogue allow me to really exercise my ability to adequately detect the Fi information being presented (that would probably go unnoticed by a mind less inclined).

    She portrays her characters as reserved, subdued, but has a forcefulness about her, especially in expressing sentiments through action. Her eyes are both thoughtful and alert.

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    Oswald Spengler: meta-historian, author of The Decline of the West, ILI

    Biography and description of works and thought here

    "Human history is the cyclical record of the rise and fall of unrelated High Cultures. These Cultures are in reality super life-forms, that is, they are organic in nature, and like all organisms must pass through the phases of birth-life-death. Though separate entities in themselves, all High Cultures experience parallel development, and events and phases in any one find their corresponding events and phases in the others. It is possible from the vantage point of the twentieth century to glean from the past the meaning of cyclic history, and thus to predict the decline and fall of the West."

    "Optimism is cowardice."

    "One day the last portrait of Rembrandt and the last bar of Mozart will have ceased to be — though possibly a colored canvas and a sheet of notes will remain — because the last eye and the last ear accessible to their message will have gone."

    "What is here described as Civilization, then, is the stage of a Culture at which tradition and personality have lost their immediate effectiveness, and every idea, to be actualized, has to be put into terms of money."

    "Transvaluation of all values is the most fundamental character of every civilization."

    "The Will of God" is a pleonasm--God (or "Nature," as some say) is nothing but will."

    "To-day we live so cowed under the bombardment of this intellectual artillery [the media] that hardly anyone can attain to the inward detachment that is required for a clear view of the monstrous drama. The will-to-power operating under a pure democratic disguise has finished off its masterpiece so well that the object's sense of freedom is actually flattered by the most thorough-going enslavement that has ever existed."

    "Out of such a primary feeling there arises, then, an idea of the Divine immanent in the world-around, and this idea becomes steadily more definite. The percipient receives the impression of motion in Nature. He feels about him an almost indescribable alien life of unknown powers, and traces the origin of these effects to "numina," to the Other, inasmuch as this Other also possesses Life. Astonishment at alien motion is the source of religion and of physics both; respectively, they are the elucidations of Nature (world-around) by the soul and by the reason. The "powers" are the first object both of fearful or loving reverence and of critical investigation. There is a religious experience and a scientific experience."

    "What is truth? For the multitude, that which it continually reads and hears."

    “The press today is an army with carefully organized weapons, the journalists its officers, the readers its soldiers. But, as in every army, the soldier obeys blindly, and the war aims and operating plans change without his knowledge. The reader neither knows nor is supposed to know the purposes for which he is used and the role he is to play. There is no more appalling caricature of freedom of thought. Formerly no one was allowed to think freely; now it is permitted, but no one is capable of it any more. Now people want to think only what they are supposed to want to think, and this they consider freedom.”

    “It is the Late city that first defies the land, contradicts Nature in the lines of its silhouette, denies all Nature. It wants to be something different from and higher than Nature. These high-pitched gables, these Baroque cupolas, spires, and pinnacles, neither are, nor desire to be, related with anything in Nature. And then begins the gigantic megalopolis, the city-as-world, which suffers nothing beside itself and sets about annihilating the country picture.”

    "The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the non-obvious. "

    "The individual's life is of importance to none besides himself: the point is whether he wishes to escape from history or give his life for it. History recks nothing of human logic"

    "Scientists are wont to assume that myths and God-ideas are creations of primitive man, and that as spiritual culture "advances," this myth-forming power is shed. In reality it is the exact opposite, and had not the morphology of history remained to this day an almost unexplored field, the supposedly universal mythopoetic power would long ago have been found to be limited to particular periods. It would have been realized that this ability of a soul to fill its world with shapes, traits and symbols--like and consistent amongst themselves--belongs most decidedly not to the world-age of the primitives but exclusively to the springtimes of great Cultures. Every myth of the great style stands at the beginning of an awakening spirituality. It is the first formative act of that spirituality. Nowhere else is it to be found. There--it must be."

    "If we turn back from Nature-feeling become form to Nature-knowledge become system, we know God or the gods as the origin of the images by which the intellect seeks to make the world-around comprehensible to itself."

    "Politics and trade in developed form -- the art of achieving material successes over an opponent by means of intellectual superiority -- are both a replacement of war by other means."

    "To development belongs fulfillment--every evolution has a beginning, and every fulfillment is an end. To youth belongs age; to arising, passing; to life, death. For the animal, tied in the nature of its thinking to the present, death is known or scented as something in the future, something that does not threaten it. It only knows the fear of death in the moment of being killed. But man, whose thought is emancipated from the fetters of here and now, yesterday and tomorrow, boldly investigates the "once" of past and future, and it depends on the depth or shallowness of his nature whether he triumphs over this fear of the end or not."

    "In reality, money, like number and law, is a category of thought."

    "Tension without cosmic pulsation to animate it is the transition to nothingness."

    "That we do not merely live but know about "living" is a consequence of our bodily existence in the light. But the beast knows only life, not death. Were we pure plantlike beings, we should die unconscious of dying, for to feel death and to die would be identical. But animals, even though they hear the death-cry, see the dead body, and scent putrefaction, behold death without comprehending it. Only when understanding has become, through language, detached from visual awareness and pure, does death appear to man as the great enigma of the light-world about him."

    "Thinking in money generates money -- that is the secret of the world economy."

    "Every Culture here actualizes its prime symbol. Each has its own sort of love--we may call it heavenly or metaphysical as we choose--with which it contemplates, comprehends and takes into itself its godhead, and which remains to every other Culture inaccessible or unmeaning. Whether the world be something set under a domed light-cavern, as it was for Jesus and his companions, or just a vanishingly small bit of a star-filled infinity, as Giordano Bruno felt it; whether the Orphics take their bodily god into themselves, or the spirit of Plotinus, soaring in ecstasy, fuses in henosis with the spirit of God, or St. Bernard in his "mystic union" becomes one with the operation of infinite deity--the deep urge of the soul is governed always by the prime symbol of the particular Culture and of no other."

    "The forces which will sway the future are no other than those of the past. These forces are: the will of the Strong, healthy instincts, race, the will to possession and power; while justice, happiness, and peace - those dreams which will always remain dreams - hover ineffectively over them."

    "Death is a diffuse transposition of energy--consciousness into the purely intuitive or lost altogether into the unconscious. The stronger the soul, the more intact will the intuition stay. The weaker the soul, the more dispersed does the intuition become."

    "The blood is for us the symbol of the living. The blood of ancestors flows through the chain of generations and binds then in a great linkage of destiny, beat and time."

    "And like all Rationalists and Romantics, they are as sentimental as a street ditty."

    "The mad Lear between fool and reckless outcast on the heath, in the night and the storm, the unutterably lonely ego lost in space--here is the Faustian life-feeling!"

    "If, in fine, we look at the whole picture--the expansion of the Copernican world into that aspect of stellar space that we possess today; the development of Columbus's discovery into a world-wide command of the earth's surface by the West; the perspective of oil-painting and the theatre; the sublimation of the idea of home; the passion of our Civilization for swift transit, the conquest of the air, the exploration of the Polar regions and the climbing of almost impossible mountain-peaks--we see, emerging everywhere, the prime symbol of the Faustian soul, Limitless Space. And those specially Western creations of the soul-myth called "Will," "Force" and "Deed" must be regarded as derivatives of this prime symbol."

    "Through money, democracy becomes its own destroyer, after money has destroyed intellect"

    "Philosophy, the love of Wisdom, is at the very bottom defence against the incomprehensible."

    "This, then, is the conclusion of the city's history; growing from primitive barter-centre to Culture-city and at last to world-city, it sacrifices first the blood and soul of its creators to the needs of its majestic evolution, and then the last flower of that growth to the spirit of Civilization--and so, doomed, moves on to final self-destruction."

    "To the reality of history, fails any ideology."

    "The essential, therefore, is to understand the time for which one is born. He who does not sense and understand its most secret forces, who does not feel in himself something cognate that drives him forward on a path neither hedged nor defined by concepts, who trusts to the surface--public opinion, large phrases and ideals of the day--he is not of the stature for its events. He is in their power, not they in his."

    "He who does not understand that this outcome is obligation and insusceptible of modification, that our choice is between willing this and willing nothing at all, between cleaving to this destiny and despairing of the future and of life itself; he who cannot feel that there is grandeur also in the realizations of powerful intelligences, in the energy and discipline of metal-hard natures, in battles fought with the coldest and most abstract means; he who is obsessed with the idealism of a provincial, and would pursue the ways of life of past ages-- must forgo all desire to comprehend history, to live through history or to make history."

    "We have not chosen this time. We cannot help it if we are born as men of the early winter of full Civilization, instead of on the golden summit of a ripe Culture, in a Phidias or a Mozart time. Everything depends on our seeing our own position, our destiny, clearly, on our realizing that though we may lie to ourselves about it, we cannot evade it. He who does not acknowledge this in his heart, ceases to be counted among the men of his generation, and remains either a simpleton, a charlatan, or a pedant."

    "History is direction—but Nature is extension—ergo, everyone gets eaten by a bear."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Unless you guys are being dumb and can't separate movie character roles from the actual actor themselves.
    i think that it's common sense that people's roles in movies don't necessarily reflect their types irl. maybe you're just trying to insult people for disagreeing with you on something.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    I'd like to think it's common sense, but then sometimes I'm forced to wonder about the 'common' part.
    yeah but treating everyone like an idiot by default seems kind of lame to me. unless you think redbaron and i really are idiots, in which case you're entitled to your opinion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    I don't see any going on with him. Unless you guys are being dumb and can't separate movie character roles from the actual actor themselves.
    He's a shy, subdued guy offscreen either way, so I wouldn't expect him to "jizz effusiveness" or something (I don't expect SEIs to be that way anyways). Sometimes he talks in a very independent way, in the sense of how the movie industry disgusted him, how it tried to take control over his image, etc.. He charted his own path, and just did what he liked. He relayed a story once about being bullied as a kid, and his mom telling him the next time it happens, to just hit the kid with a rock. So he did that.. and he used it as an illustration for the rest of his life. He's not giving in to other people's needs or something. But then, nor are SEIs. /shrug

    OTOH, he seems to go out of his way sometimes to be the nice guy. I remember coming across another funny story, where he was pissed off about paparazzis snapping shots of his kids. He actually tracked one down, and literally went to his house or something.. but he didn't chastise him. He was trying to talk sense.. like he wondered why the guy couldn't do something else with his life. Kind of funny. I wish I could find the article now.

    None of this is necessarily type related. I'm just airing out some random things. You don't have to treat this as if we're looking only at his movies. He's interesting enough to read about offscreen.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    That sounds pretty cool and respectable of him to attempt to do. Especially considering that if it were me in that position, I assume my impulse would be to bash the guys face in.
    I know what you mean.

    Only one other anecdotal relationship I'll mention: Brando. They were supposedly good friends too. Enough that the seclusive Brando was apparently calling him a lot at night, in his last days, just to bullshit about anything. Johnny has mentioned that it kind of annoyed his wife. I also remember that in some interview about Don Juan DeMarco (when they first met), Faye Dunaway went on about how Brando saw Depp as his "successor" of sorts. He looked out for him in a lot of way it seems. It didn't seem like Johnny was the supervisor. Even a little thing like this could shed light..

    Hollywood star Johnny Depp refuses to discuss his personal life with reporters, ever since late movie icon Marlon Brando admonished him for talking about his daughters in a TV interview. Depp was surprised to receive an angry phone call from Brando, who died in 2004, just moments after the interview aired. He says, "I had done some television interview, and they asked about my family life and kids. I talked about how I’m a proud father and how much I love my kids and how they’re fun and what we do and how it’s great. "I was thinking that if in 25, 35 years my kids watch old footage, I’d be proud for them to see their dad saying how much he loves them. "Well, the show aired, and I get a phone call: ‘What the f**k are you doing?’ I said, ‘Marlon, what are you talking about?’ He said, ‘That’s none of their business!’ "I tried to say, ‘Marlon, listen, man, I only wanted my kids to…’ And it was like he gave me this sort of once-over. ‘You don’t do it, man. That’s your world and it’s nobody else’s business. It’s not anybody’s entertainment.’ And he was right."

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    Elly Jackson - ILI (singer from La Roux)

    I typed on VI (very similar, visually, to Zinnia Jones, a female friend of mine, and some other ILI ginger I discovered along the interwebz, though I think it has to do with the shared gender queer and hard to pin down sexuality element).

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Sinead Keenan: Te-ENTj

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    Ramit Sethi: Te-ENTj

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    Oesterreicher ENTj-mixed actor:

    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sumer1an View Post
    This guy is Alpha NT.
    The end is nigh

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    Quote Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
    I'm more interested in how you know what a panicked goat sings like.
    Friends I lived with kept a very talkative pair of pygmy goats on a rustic property occasionally visited by raccoons, bears, coyotes, and fishers. The goats would always make commentary when those predators appeared. When they were let out of their pen to mow the lawn my dog would also busy herself by noisily chasing them over woodpiles and through brambles, so I'm quite accustomed to hearing the full range of their bleatings.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ArchonAlarion View Post
    This guy is Alpha NT.
    Why do you say that?

    Are you saying that just based on that interview or have you actually looked into more information about him?

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