Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
The woman in the video is nice. She looks a bit like my high school ESI buddy, whom I think is an e9. She also absolutely exudes Si, like my SLI ex-wife.

I was kind of surprised to see that ESI's and SLI's share 4D Si. My ex's Si was one of the reasons I thought marriage to her was a possibility. I now feel as if I was misled. Fooled by my ignorance. Lol. Damn you, Socionics. Late to the party.

Post script.
I'm watching this video as I'm typing, and I'm basically seeing my SLI ex. She handled her hair exactly like the woman in the video, and even did that exact move with the tissue to smooth out her lipstick, or whatever she's doing there. It's uncanny.
Interesting, thanks for sharing. My first impression was that she is Ni-LIE and her husband ESI.