Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post

There is your low typing match with me and others, what is common situation with <20% of average match. This does not mean I type badly or other your opponent. It's your subjective perception based on your speculations about your own accuracy. What is objectively that you are inexperienced noob compared to me. And that you may to use baseless heretic bs as Reinin's traits or other bs.

The lower match may appear when you also try to type by other info except VI people about which you objectively have no good that info. Such happens when you type famouses, bloggers etc by random talkings - you get more of mess by this way and hence disagree with me easier. For famouses and alike exists only VI as good approach. Though your VI skills are bad and the additional mess should not change your accuracy principally, in general. But you may show lesser of conformism when use additional info and this reduces the match.

> His accuracy is no better, or worse, than anyone else's

You subjectively evaluate accuracies by own typing skills. Having bad skills and using bad data you should get low real matches. So it's hard for you to notice the ones who type good, anyone looks with your bad skills as typing badly by you geting low matches with anyone. Sometimes your conformism may improve your matches significantly.

> Watch her with her husband. She is ExFx. I am leaning ESE.

The additional usage of low quality data as random talking of bloggers by your weak T reduces your accuracy to awful.

In short, study to type and this will improve your opinion about skills of ones who types far better than you. While at now you are blind. The same as other noobs.
OMG, you are such a noob! She is not ILI sol. Get over it!