Quote Originally Posted by crAck View Post
^ you win.

Jinjer person: http://artemis.wszib.edu.pl/wordpres.../interview.jpg -- compare to the Mazar wikipedia image

compare this picture of Jinjer, and the Mazar picture, to two Filatova-typed SLEs: one, two + here's a third for lols: https://i.imgur.com/8CL63Aw.png

it seems really uncharacteristic for SLE to be so dark and intense[ly emotional], but i guess i just need to change my definitions
I wanted to say LSI but didn't seem quite right. Definitely seemed T dom and extraverted to me but I was not confident enough in my typing to say it. Anyway, interesting! SLE does seem like a better fit for the JinJer girl!

I did look at a few photos of her and she doesn't seem that dark emotionally... it all seems like kind of a fun act to her, imo. Like she likes the hardcore aspect mostly. A lot of photos show her looking "crazy" and "wild" and making expressions appropriate to those vibes. Someone like her might also easily slide into dominatrix territory possibly and that also seems Beta to me.

What tipped me off first she wasn't ESI? I could NEVER imagine in my wildest nightmares behaving or singing like her in that kind of a group. And I've been a working musician in the past. It's just SO uncharacteristic. I just don't think it fits with most ESI's to be quite that aggressively scary. Plus her personal style seems more extreme like some Betas I've seen.