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Thread: XXFp data junkies

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  1. #1
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    the glycemic indexes of foods was a thing for me for a while - from here out, it's white potatoes for me if/when I go for potatoes
    I really enjoyed reading your post, but i mostly just wanted to comment on this--

    I recently studied the glycemic indices as well, and if you go for potatoes, do boiled (not baked)--much lower glycemic index believe it or not.

    Oh and i related to everything except the math memorization and tape measures to decide whether to donate or not.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  2. #2
    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    tvtropes is addictive. But I think that's to everyone not just me.

    I don't know if I consider myself a data junkie. While I do love the occasional wikipedia journey, it's normally to look up the plot/history of a complicated story/world: Dr. Who, the DC Crisis Series, the Star Wars novels, etc. Its how I compensate for not having time/energy to read fantasy novels (the only point is to figure out the plot anyway, 'cause the writing's usually bad, so I just skip the middleman and go to wikipedia for the plot!)

    In general for entertainment/relaxation I either practice something I need to get better at, especially singing, or I investigate a story that seems to hold some promise for being complicated/philosophically interesting, whether it be in video games (Final Fantasy/Xenogears Series) or tv/film/novelizations (Star Wars et al). So that's what I do with my 'data junkie'-ish moments, rather than confining them to the accumulation of facts.

    Oh, I also like accumulating information about things I want to do in the future, like looking up poetry MFA programs, or searching for singing tips. But that's largely for the sake of future-wanking myself, trying to find something to get super excited about that will happen in the future rather than focusing on what's going on now. "Keep spending most our lives/living in a future paradise" (and before anyone says anything, that's a lyric from the original "Pastime Paradise" by Stevie Wonder, upon which the song you're thinking about is based).
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

    I am grateful for the mystery of the soul, because without it, there could be no contemplation, except of the mysteries of divinity, which are far more dangerous to get wrong.

  3. #3
    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    I really enjoyed reading your post, but i mostly just wanted to comment on this--

    I recently studied the glycemic indices as well, and if you go for potatoes, do boiled (not baked)--much lower glycemic index believe it or not.

    Oh and i related to everything except the math memorization and tape measures to decide whether to donate or not.
    Awesome thanks glad you read it and liked it and related to it! And ooooh, I'll boil potatoes next time - I want to keep the skins on, and I'm thinking of using pureed boiled potatoes in place of some of the flour in some of the baked food I've been making... I should make some cookies soon!

    Quote Originally Posted by GuavaDrunk View Post
    Not sure what breed of data-junkie I am but I do spend stupid amounts of time browsing on info about current interests eg: socionics. S'like I'm figuring the system out slowly. I copy paste some posts I find particularly valuable, so I can re-access the information at some point, but rarely refer to it again. Hm.

    The point is knowing the information is within reach, that valuable knowledge is not lost forever, and that I have stores of things to read when I get bored of reading but don't want to pay attention to important stuff anyway. Psychological information is my heroin.
    As you wish then! even more reason to post this color-coded table of type relations with their Gulenko Cognitive Styles here

    By the way, everything is color-coded in such a way that Duality partners have colors across the color wheel, Activity partners have complementary colors, and Conflictors have colors that clash... anyways, here we go!

    Causal-Deterministic (positivist, process)
    Dialectical-Algorithmic (negativist, process)
    Vortical-Synergetic (positivist, result)
    Holographical-Panoramic (negativist, result)


    ILE (cd) - ILE (cd)
    SEI (da) - SEI (da)
    ESE (vs) - ESE (vs)
    LII (hp) - LII (hp)

    EIE (da) - EIE (da)
    LSI (cd) - LSI (cd)
    SLE (hp) - SLE (hp)
    IEI (vs) - IEI (vs)

    SEE (cd) - SEE (cd)
    ILI (da) - ILI (da)
    LIE (vs) - LIE (vs)
    ESI (hp) - ESI (hp)

    LSE (da) - LSE (da)
    EII (cd) - EII (cd)
    IEE (hp) - IEE (hp)
    SLI (vs) - SLI (vs)


    ILE (cd) - SEI (da)
    SEI (da) - ILE (cd)
    ESE (vs) - LII (hp)
    LII (hp) - ESE (vs)

    EIE (da) - LSI (cd)
    LSI (cd) - EIE (da)
    SLE (hp) - IEI (vs)
    IEI (vs) - SLE (hp)

    SEE (cd) - ILI (da)
    ILI (da) - SEE (cd)
    LIE (vs) - ESI (hp)
    ESI (hp) - LIE (vs)

    LSE (da) - EII (cd)
    EII (cd) - LSE (da)
    IEE (hp) - SLI (vs)
    SLI (vs) - IEE (hp)


    ILE (cd) - ESE (vs)
    SEI (da) - LII (hp)
    ESE (vs) - ILE (cd)
    LII (hp) - SEI (da)

    EIE (da) - SLE (hp)
    LSI (cd) - IEI (vs)
    SLE (hp) - EIE (da)
    IEI (vs) - LSI (cd)

    SEE (cd) - LIE (vs)
    ILI (da) - ESI (hp)
    LIE (vs) - SEE (cd)
    ESI (hp) - ILI (da)

    LSE (da) - IEE (hp)
    EII (cd) - SLI (vs)
    IEE (hp) - LSE (da)
    SLI (vs) - EII (cd)


    ILE (cd) - LII (hp)
    SEI (da) - ESE (vs)
    ESE (vs) - SEI (da)
    LII (hp) - ILE (cd)

    EIE (da) - IEI (vs)
    LSI (cd) - SLE (hp)
    SLE (hp) - LSI (cd)
    IEI (vs) - EIE (da)

    SEE (cd) - ESI (hp)
    ILI (da) - LIE (vs)
    LIE (vs) - ILI (da)
    ESI (hp) - SEE (cd)

    LSE (da) - SLI (vs)
    EII (cd) - IEE (hp)
    IEE (hp) - EII (cd)
    SLI (vs) - LSE (da)


    ILE (cd) - SLI (vs)
    SEI (da) - IEE (hp)
    ESE (vs) - LSI (cd)
    LII (hp) - EIE (da)

    EIE (da) - LII (hp)
    LSI (cd) - ESE (vs)
    SLE (hp) - ILI (da)
    IEI (vs) - SEE (cd)

    SEE (cd) - IEI (vs)
    ILI (da) - SLE (hp)
    LIE (vs) - EII (cd)
    ESI (hp) - LSE (da)

    LSE (da) - ESI (hp)
    EII (cd) - LIE (vs)
    IEE (hp) - SEI (da)
    SLI (vs) - ILE (cd)


    ILE (cd) - IEE (hp)
    SEI (da) - SLI (vs)
    ESE (vs) - EIE (da)
    LII (hp) - LSI (cd)

    EIE (da) - ESE (vs)
    LSI (cd) - LII (hp)
    SLE (hp) - SEE (cd)
    IEI (vs) - ILI (da)

    SEE (cd) - SLE (hp)
    ILI (da) - IEI (vs)
    LIE (vs) - LSE (da)
    ESI (hp) - EII (cd)

    LSE (da) - LIE (vs)
    EII (cd) - ESI (hp)
    IEE (hp) - ILE (cd)
    SLI (vs) - SEI (da)


    ILE (cd) - ESI (hp)
    SEI (da) - LIE (vs)
    ESE (vs) - ILI (da)
    LII (hp) - SEE (cd)

    EIE (da) - SLI (vs)
    LSI (cd) - IEE (hp)
    SLE (hp) - EII (cd)
    IEI (vs) - LSE (da)

    SEE (cd) - LII (hp)
    ILI (da) - ESE (vs)
    LIE (vs) - SEI (da)
    ESI (hp) - ILE (cd)

    LSE (da) - IEI (vs)
    EII (cd) - SLE (hp)
    IEE (hp) - LSI (cd)
    SLI (vs) - EIE (da)


    ILE (cd) - SEE (cd)
    SEI (da) - ILI (da)
    ESE (vs) - LIE (vs)
    LII (hp) - ESI (hp)

    EIE (da) - LSE (da)
    LSI (cd) - EII (cd)
    SLE (hp) - IEE (hp)
    IEI (vs) - SLI (vs)

    SEE (cd) - ILE (cd)
    ILI (da) - SEI (da)
    LIE (vs) - ESE (vs)
    ESI (hp) - LII (hp)

    LSE (da) - EIE (da)
    EII (cd) - LSI (cd)
    IEE (hp) - SLE (hp)
    SLI (vs) - IEI (vs)


    ILE (cd) - LIE (vs)
    SEI (da) - ESI (hp)
    ESE (vs) - SEE (cd)
    LII (hp) - ILI (da)

    EIE (da) - IEE (hp)
    LSI (cd) - SLI (vs)
    SLE (hp) - LSE (da)
    IEI (vs) - EII (cd)

    SEE (cd) - ESE (vs)
    ILI (da) - LII (hp)
    LIE (vs) - ILE (cd)
    ESI (hp) - SEI (da)

    LSE (da) - SLE (hp)
    EII (cd) - IEI (vs)
    IEE (hp) - EIE (da)
    SLI (vs) - LSI (cd)


    ILE (cd) - ILI (da)
    SEI (da) - SEE (cd)
    ESE (vs) - ESI (hp)
    LII (hp) - LIE (vs)

    EIE (da) - EII (cd)
    LSI (cd) - LSE (da)
    SLE (hp) - SLI (vs)
    IEI (vs) - IEE (hp)

    SEE (cd) - SEI (da)
    ILI (da) - ILE (cd)
    LIE (vs) - LII (hp)
    ESI (hp) - ESE (vs)

    LSE (da) - LSI (cd)
    EII (cd) - EIE (da)
    IEE (hp) - IEI (vs)
    SLI (vs) - SLE (hp)


    ILE (cd) - IEI (vs)
    SEI (da) - SLE (hp)
    ESE (vs) - EII (cd)
    LII (hp) - LSE (da)

    EIE (da) - ESI (hp)
    LSI (cd) - LIE (vs)
    SLE (hp) - SEI (da)
    IEI (vs) - ILE (cd)

    SEE (cd) - SLI (vs)
    ILI (da) - IEE (hp)
    LIE (vs) - LSI (cd)
    ESI (hp) - EIE (da)

    LSE (da) - LII (hp)
    EII (cd) - ESE (vs)
    IEE (hp) - ILI (da)
    SLI (vs) - SEE (cd)


    ILE (cd) - SLE (hp)
    SEI (da) - IEI (vs)
    ESE (vs) - LSE (da)
    LII (hp) - EII (cd)

    EIE (da) - LIE (vs)
    LSI (cd) - ESI (hp)
    SLE (hp) - ILE (cd)
    IEI (vs) - SEI (da)

    SEE (cd) - IEE (hp)
    ILI (da) - SLI (vs)
    LIE (vs) - EIE (da)
    ESI (hp) - LSI (cd)

    LSE (da) - ESE (vs)
    EII (cd) - LII (hp)
    IEE (hp) - SEE (cd)
    SLI (vs) - ILI (da)


    ILE (cd) -> EIE (da)
    SEI (da) -> LSI (cd)
    ESE (vs) -> IEE (hp)
    LII (hp) -> SLI (vs)

    EIE (da) -> SEE (cd)
    LSI (cd) -> ILI (da)
    SLE (hp) -> ESE (vs)
    IEI (vs) -> LII (hp)

    SEE (cd) -> LSE (da)
    ILI (da) -> EII (cd)
    LIE (vs) -> SLE (hp)
    ESI (hp) -> IEI (vs)

    LSE (da) -> ILE (cd)
    EII (cd) -> SEI (da)
    IEE (hp) -> LIE (vs)
    SLI (vs) -> ESI (hp)

    ILE (cd) -> EIE (da) -> SEE (cd) -> LSE (da) -> ILE (cd)
    SEI (da) -> LSI (cd) -> ILI (da) -> EII (cd) -> SEI (da)

    ESE (vs) -> IEE (hp) -> LIE (vs) -> SLE (hp) -> ESE (vs)
    LII (hp) -> SLI (vs) -> ESI (hp) -> IEI (vs) -> LII (hp)


    ILE (cd) -> LSI (cd)
    SEI (da) -> EIE (da)
    ESE (vs) -> SLI (vs)
    LII (hp) -> IEE (hp)

    EIE (da) -> ILI (da)
    LSI (cd) -> SEE (cd)
    SLE (hp) -> LII (hp)
    IEI (vs) -> ESE (vs)

    SEE (cd) -> EII (cd)
    ILI (da) -> LSE (da)
    LIE (vs) -> IEI (vs)
    ESI (hp) -> SLE (hp)

    LSE (da) -> SEI (da)
    EII (cd) -> ILE (cd)
    IEE (hp) -> ESI (hp)
    SLI (vs) -> LIE (vs)

    ILE (cd) -> LSI (cd) -> SEE (cd) -> EII (cd) -> ILE (cd)
    SEI (da) -> EIE (da) -> ILI (da) -> LSE (da) -> SEI (da)

    ESE (vs) -> SLI (vs) -> LIE (vs) -> IEI (vs) -> ESE (vs)
    LII (hp) -> IEE (hp) -> ESI (hp) -> SLE (hp) -> LII (hp)

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