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Thread: Project: Correlate type test questions to traits

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    Default Project: Correlate type test questions to traits

    Thought I'd share the study work, and see what the reception is or isn't.

    First up are reviews of some tests from In my experience, these are the best type tests anywhere, but even they are not perfect due to the limited scope of concrete personality knowledge, at the the Ti level, that is widely available. As such, there are conflations of sociotype independent traits with sociotype-dependent traits in a number of cases.

    The Indirect test is particularly interesting. What I think happened is that the author took into account unusual manifestations of the sociotypes due to sociotype-independent traits. I'll be looking over the other (non-sociotype) tests to see if there are correlations between the traits in the Indirect test and those others.

    Here is the Indirect test with my notes after the questions.

    1) I am a serious person. C-subtype
    2) Enlightenment can be gained through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition. I
    3) I will do a lot to avoid rejection. Fe
    4) I am a private person. Public/private
    5) I have been accused of being selfish. ??
    6) I am passionate about bettering the world's condition. Progressive
    7) I speak softly. SEI EM
    8) I am traditional. Fe
    9) I learn a lot from my dreams. N
    10) I believe laws should be strictly enforced. Extreme Conservative Traditionalist
    11) I am distant. I
    12) I lose things. N
    13) I don't relate to most people. introvert destroyer
    14) I feel best when others find me physically attractive. SEI EM
    15) I need to be pursued in a romantic relationship. I don't believe in 50/50, meeting in the middle. IEI
    16) My conscious thought filter is not very good. 1d Ti
    17) I am open about my feelings. F
    18) I have strong humanitarian tendencies. Si valuing
    19) I am practical. S
    20) I get caught up in my problems. Confrontation Threat Res
    21) I challenge others' points of view. ILE? Mirror?
    22) I am hard working. LSE
    23) I forget to do things. LII
    24) The problems of the world are not my problem. SLI
    25) When I'm not interested in someone anymore, I ignore them. IEE
    26) I would sacrifice my life for a good enough cause. Immanent
    27) I try to follow the rules. T
    28) I see other people as my competitors. LIE?
    29) I am indecisive. P
    30) I am systematic. T
    31) I follow directions. LII LSE LIE ILI SLI LSI
    32) I have a strong personality. Brave
    33) I have initiated romantic hookups that I regret. I
    34) I am not sure where my life is going. Negativist
    35) I enjoy, appreciate, and strive for form, harmony, beauty, and balance. Si IM/EM
    36) I keep myself uninvolved. SLI non-negotiator/collaborator
    37) I think I deserve to have a more prestigious life than others. Extreme beta
    38) I am critical of others. Taciturn
    39) I have difficulty expressing my feelings. T IM/EM
    40) I suppress my desires. LSI
    41) My life is a series of experiments. LII
    42) I am regular. Private C-subtype
    43) I see myself as anxious. ??
    44) My sense of happiness is affected by the quality of life of everyone on the planet. LII
    45) I desire higher status. Aristocracy
    46) I know who I am. Individuated person
    47) I am competitive. D-subtype
    48) I am attracted to prestige. beta
    49) I am mystical. spiritualist
    50) I must first approve of the job's larger impact on the world before I'll agree to perform it. Ne valuing
    51) I am good at getting people to have fun. ESE
    52) I think that I'm better than other people. Narccisist
    53) I have a great need to improve the world. ?? (how?)
    54) I can't concentrate. ADHD
    55) I worry about how much I am liked by the few people I value. LSI
    56) I am imposing. brave beta ST accepting subtype, possibly tall
    57) I'm hard to read. LII
    58) I suppose I can sometimes appear somewhat narcissistic. ILE
    59) I do what's expected. LSE N-subtype
    60) I get upset when people don't notice how I look when I go out in public. Fe
    Not a very good test for sociotype deduction purposes. Of course the point needs to be proved. Let's compare with the short test.

    1) I tend to be more practical than abstract. S
    2) I am very introspective. N
    3) I prefer to keep things open and flexible. P
    4) I focus far more on possibilities than present reality. N
    5) I talk a lot. E
    6) I am weird. N
    7) I tend to be more down-to-earth than head-in-the-clouds. S
    8) I tend to prefer actual examples to theoretical ones. S
    9) I often start/do things at the last minute. Procrastination - negotiator conflict res
    10) I tend to be organized. T EM
    11) An argument with feeling has more effect on me than a cold rational one. F
    12) I am a private person. ? Maybe I.
    13) I am very open. ? (as in Big 5? extrovert negativist then)
    14) I feel very comfortable around people. E
    15) I am far more casual than orderly. F
    16) I am extremely interested in abstract ideas. could be N at IM or EM
    17) I greatly appreciate strangeness. ? needs a qualifier
    18) I tend to be more realistic than conceptual. S
    19) I base my goals in life on inspiration, rather than logic. F
    20) I frequently come up with ideas/solutions out of nowhere. N
    21) I am extremely outgoing. ? E but risk for confusion. (Einstein outgoing...?
    22) I am very social. E
    23) I find it difficult to approach others. I
    24) I tend to make specific plans before taking action. N
    25) I am somewhat disorganized. ? F at EM level
    26) I require lots of time alone to recharge. I
    27) I tend to be more comfortable with the known than the unknown. S
    28) I think rules and regulations are necessary. Non-tradition antagonistic
    29) I tend to make decisions based on logic and facts. T
    30) I frequently do things without a specific schedule or plan. S
    31) I make friends easily. E
    32) I prefer structured environments to unstructured ones. T
    33) I rely mostly on my feelings to guide my decision-making. F
    34) I tend to trust the mind more than the heart. T
    35) I tend to prefer the specific to the general. S
    36) I value compassion over analytical reasoning. F
    37) I am extremely passionate. ?
    38) I favor the surreal. N
    39) I am extremely sentimental. ? F
    40) I tend to pay more attention to my thoughts than my feelings. T
    41) I value solitude immensely. I
    42) I tend to value fairness more than feelings. ? I
    43) I avoid unnecessary interaction. I
    44) I am more of a planner than an improviser. ? N
    45) I prefer to keep my spaces clean. strong EM Si
    46) I tend to value competence more than compassion. T
    47) I tend to be spontaneous. S
    48) I tend to analyze things objectively and critically. T
    Much more to the point and hence, highly accurate. Most people will receive an effective diagnosis by this test. I presume that the intention of the Indirect test was to offer a "stealth" typing for those people who over-think the questions on the short test. In my experience, when a person is determined to over-think the questionnaire, that's when a formal diagnosis is required.

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    The long test doesn't seem to be up anymore. That was the original test which clued me in to the existence of the EM type.

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    The way they are interpreting the Enneagram is interesting, and has something in common with the left/right brain treatment. The common theme is comfort with specific functions, in whole or in part.

    There appears to be minor overlap between certain aspects of supersocion theory and the traits tested for on the non-sociotype tests on similarminds.

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    Here's a test by Human Metrics (

    # You are almost never late for your appointments. S
    YES NO
    # You like to be engaged in an active and fast-paced job. S
    YES NO
    # You enjoy having a wide circle of acquaintances. E
    YES NO
    # You feel involved when watching TV soaps. F IM or EM
    YES NO
    # You are usually the first to react to a sudden event:
    the telephone ringing or unexpected question. S
    YES NO
    # You are more interested in a general idea than in the details of its realization. N
    YES NO
    # You tend to be unbiased even if this might endanger
    your good relations with people. T
    YES NO
    # Strict observance of the established rules is likely to prevent a good outcome.
    YES NO
    # It's difficult to get you excited. F
    YES NO
    # It is in your nature to assume responsibility. T
    YES NO
    # You often think about humankind and its destiny. N
    YES NO
    # You believe the best decision is one that can be easily changed. P
    YES NO
    # Objective criticism is always useful in any activity. T
    YES NO
    # You prefer to act immediately rather than speculate
    about various options. S
    YES NO
    # You trust reason rather than feelings. T
    YES NO
    # You are inclined to rely more on improvisation
    than on careful planning. S
    YES NO
    # You spend your leisure time actively socializing
    with a group of people, attending parties, shopping, etc. E
    YES NO
    # You usually plan your actions in advance. N
    YES NO
    # Your actions are frequently influenced by emotions. F
    YES NO
    # You are a person somewhat reserved and distant in communication. I
    YES NO
    # You know how to put every minute of your
    time to good purpose. N
    YES NO
    # You readily help people while asking nothing in return. S
    YES NO
    # You often contemplate about the complexity of life. N
    YES NO
    # After prolonged socializing you feel you need
    to get away and be alone. I
    YES NO
    # You often do jobs in a hurry. S
    YES NO
    # You easily see the general principle behind
    specific occurrences. T
    YES NO
    # You frequently and easily express your feelings and emotions. (in what sense?)
    YES NO
    # You find it difficult to speak loudly. I
    YES NO
    # You get bored if you have to read theoretical books. ?
    YES NO
    # You tend to sympathize with other people. F EM
    YES NO
    # You value justice higher than mercy. ?
    YES NO
    # You rapidly get involved in social life
    at a new workplace. E
    YES NO
    # The more people with whom you speak, the better you feel. E
    YES NO
    # You tend to rely on your experience rather than
    on theoretical alternatives. S
    YES NO
    # You like to keep a check on how things
    are progressing. T
    YES NO
    # You easily empathize with the concerns of other people. F
    YES NO
    # Often you prefer to read a book than go to a party. I
    YES NO
    # You enjoy being at the center of events in which
    other people are directly involved. Negotiator threat res
    YES NO
    # You are more inclined to experiment than
    to follow familiar approaches. N
    YES NO
    # You avoid being bound by obligations. Selfish or N
    YES NO
    # You are strongly touched by the stories about people's troubles. F IM or EM
    YES NO
    # Deadlines seem to you to be of relative, rather than absolute, importance. N
    YES NO
    # You prefer to isolate yourself from outside noises. I
    YES NO
    # It's essential for you to try things with your own hands. S
    YES NO
    # You think that almost everything can be analyzed. T
    YES NO
    # You do your best to complete a task on time. S
    YES NO
    # You take pleasure in putting things in order. T
    YES NO
    # You feel at ease in a crowd. E
    YES NO
    # You have good control over your desires and temptations. F
    YES NO
    # You easily understand new theoretical principles. T
    YES NO
    # The process of searching for a solution is more
    important to you than the solution itself. P
    YES NO
    # You usually place yourself nearer to the side
    than in the center of the room. I
    YES NO
    # When solving a problem you would rather follow
    a familiar approach than seek a new one. delta Te
    YES NO
    # You try to stand firmly by your principles. Ti
    YES NO
    # A thirst for adventure is close to your heart.
    YES NO
    # You prefer meeting in small groups to interaction
    with lots of people. I
    YES NO
    # When considering a situation you pay more attention to
    the current situation and less to a possible sequence of events. S
    YES NO
    # You consider the scientific approach to be the best. T
    YES NO
    # You find it difficult to talk about your feelings. T
    YES NO
    # You often spend time thinking of how things
    could be improved. Ne
    YES NO
    # Your decisions are based more on the feelings
    of a moment than on the careful planning. ?
    YES NO
    # You prefer to spend your leisure time alone
    or relaxing in a tranquil family atmosphere. I
    YES NO
    # You feel more comfortable sticking to
    conventional ways. delta Te
    YES NO
    # You are easily affected by strong emotions. F
    YES NO
    # You are always looking for opportunities. delta Ne
    YES NO
    # Your desk, workbench etc. is usually neat and orderly. strong Te EM
    YES NO
    # As a rule, current preoccupations worry
    you more than your future plans. S
    YES NO
    # You get pleasure from solitary walks. I
    YES NO
    # It is easy for you to communicate in social situations. E
    YES NO
    # You are consistent in your habits. ??
    YES NO
    # You willingly involve yourself in matters
    which engage your sympathies. Beta Fe EM (F EM)
    YES NO
    # You easily perceive various ways
    in which events could develop. Gamma Ni (N)
    YES NO
    All in all, a very, very effective test with few errors.

  5. #5
    star stuff April's Avatar
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    Personally, I'm not a fan of the SimilarMinds tests. I typically score 50-60% in one direction on any given dichotomy, and results are unreliable on F/J for me.

    I think the Human Metrics test is a bit better. It's more reliable, though I've scored INTJ. Are you interested in what the test-makers believe they're assessing? Perhaps they have done some reliability testing.

    Here's what I think the test-makers believe they're assessing (along with some of my reactions), so maybe some food for thought. I would agree with them in many cases.

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Here's a test by Human Metrics (

    # You are almost never late for your appointments. S, J (I've heard of Ni PoLR having trouble with this though--dunno if true)
    YES NO
    # You like to be engaged in an active and fast-paced job. S, E
    YES NO
    # You enjoy having a wide circle of acquaintances. E, yes (maybe more E & merry)
    YES NO
    # You feel involved when watching TV soaps. F IM or EM, F (wtf?)
    YES NO
    # You are usually the first to react to a sudden event:
    the telephone ringing or unexpected question. S, ?
    YES NO
    # You are more interested in a general idea than in the details of its realization. N, yes
    YES NO
    # You tend to be unbiased even if this might endanger
    your good relations with people. T, yes
    YES NO
    # Strict observance of the established rules is likely to prevent a good outcome. P (stupid)
    YES NO
    # It's difficult to get you excited. F, I? They're probably thinking E is related to excitability
    YES NO
    # It is in your nature to assume responsibility. T, J
    YES NO
    # You often think about humankind and its destiny. N, yes (stupid)
    YES NO
    # You believe the best decision is one that can be easily changed. P, yes (irrational in more than one way to me)
    YES NO
    # Objective criticism is always useful in any activity. T, yes
    YES NO
    # You prefer to act immediately rather than speculate
    about various options. S, yes (stupid)
    YES NO
    # You trust reason rather than feelings. T, yes
    YES NO
    # You are inclined to rely more on improvisation
    than on careful planning. S, P
    YES NO
    # You spend your leisure time actively socializing
    with a group of people, attending parties, shopping, etc. E, yes
    YES NO
    # You usually plan your actions in advance. N, J (but I agree it could be strong N too)
    YES NO
    # Your actions are frequently influenced by emotions. F, yes (but this is also just human)
    YES NO
    # You are a person somewhat reserved and distant in communication. I, yes
    YES NO
    # You know how to put every minute of your
    time to good purpose. N, ?
    YES NO
    # You readily help people while asking nothing in return. S, F (stupid)
    YES NO
    # You often contemplate about the complexity of life. N, yes (stupid)
    YES NO
    # After prolonged socializing you feel you need
    to get away and be alone. I, yes
    YES NO
    # You often do jobs in a hurry. S, P
    YES NO
    # You easily see the general principle behind
    specific occurrences. T, N
    YES NO
    # You frequently and easily express your feelings and emotions. (in what sense?), F (Fe > Fi)
    YES NO
    # You find it difficult to speak loudly. I, yes
    YES NO
    # You get bored if you have to read theoretical books. ?, S
    YES NO
    # You tend to sympathize with other people. F EM, F
    YES NO
    # You value justice higher than mercy. ?, T
    YES NO
    # You rapidly get involved in social life
    at a new workplace. E, yes
    YES NO
    # The more people with whom you speak, the better you feel. E, yes
    YES NO
    # You tend to rely on your experience rather than
    on theoretical alternatives. S, yes
    YES NO
    # You like to keep a check on how things
    are progressing. T, J
    YES NO
    # You easily empathize with the concerns of other people. F, yes
    YES NO
    # Often you prefer to read a book than go to a party. I, yes
    YES NO
    # You enjoy being at the center of events in which
    other people are directly involved. Negotiator threat res, E
    YES NO
    # You are more inclined to experiment than
    to follow familiar approaches. N, yes (maybe P?)
    YES NO
    # You avoid being bound by obligations. Selfish or N, P (stupid)
    YES NO
    # You are strongly touched by the stories about people's troubles. F IM or EM, yes
    YES NO
    # Deadlines seem to you to be of relative, rather than absolute, importance. N, P (I don't like this question)
    YES NO
    # You prefer to isolate yourself from outside noises. I, yes
    YES NO
    # It's essential for you to try things with your own hands. S, yes
    YES NO
    # You think that almost everything can be analyzed. T, yes (stupid, does anybody not think this?)
    YES NO
    # You do your best to complete a task on time. S, J?
    YES NO
    # You take pleasure in putting things in order. T, J
    YES NO
    # You feel at ease in a crowd. E, yes
    YES NO
    # You have good control over your desires and temptations. F, (strange)
    YES NO
    # You easily understand new theoretical principles. T, N
    YES NO
    # The process of searching for a solution is more
    important to you than the solution itself. P, yes
    YES NO
    # You usually place yourself nearer to the side
    than in the center of the room. I, yes
    YES NO
    # When solving a problem you would rather follow
    a familiar approach than seek a new one. delta Te, S (I can see delta ST)
    YES NO
    # You try to stand firmly by your principles. Ti, J (more Ti and Fi specifically)
    YES NO
    # A thirst for adventure is close to your heart. E (might be stupid)
    YES NO
    # You prefer meeting in small groups to interaction
    with lots of people. I, yes (also serious quadras)
    YES NO
    # When considering a situation you pay more attention to
    the current situation and less to a possible sequence of events. S, yes
    YES NO
    # You consider the scientific approach to be the best. T, yes
    YES NO
    # You find it difficult to talk about your feelings. T, yes
    YES NO
    # You often spend time thinking of how things
    could be improved. Ne, N (stupid)
    YES NO
    # Your decisions are based more on the feelings
    of a moment than on the careful planning. ?, P
    YES NO
    # You prefer to spend your leisure time alone
    or relaxing in a tranquil family atmosphere. I, yes (and/or Si valuing)
    YES NO
    # You feel more comfortable sticking to
    conventional ways. delta Te, S (I can see delta ST, xSI)
    YES NO
    # You are easily affected by strong emotions. F, yes
    YES NO
    # You are always looking for opportunities. delta Ne, N (stupid, what kind of opportunities?)
    YES NO
    # Your desk, workbench etc. is usually neat and orderly. strong Te EM, J (stupid)
    YES NO
    # As a rule, current preoccupations worry
    you more than your future plans. S, yes or P
    YES NO
    # You get pleasure from solitary walks. I, yes
    YES NO
    # It is easy for you to communicate in social situations. E, yes
    YES NO
    # You are consistent in your habits. ??, J
    YES NO
    # You willingly involve yourself in matters
    which engage your sympathies. Beta Fe EM (F EM), F
    YES NO
    # You easily perceive various ways
    in which events could develop. Gamma Ni (N), N
    YES NO
    All in all, a very, very effective test with few errors.

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    The humanmetrics test is the most common mbti test i know of.

    I have a problem with it though as Many S's will type as N's on that test due to how some of the questions are phrased.

    Example: "You easily see the general principle behind specific occurrences." Who isn't going to answer that question with a yes?

    I have gotten many of my friends to take that test and the one as well. On humanmetrics - 90% of them test as NF's. On the Sociotype - about half of them test as N's and about half test as F's. I think there has to be a bias in this test to be able to yield those kind of results.

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    Here's the issue: the questions tend to be accurate, however their correct interpretation requires extensive experience and/or training. So it's no wonder why people screw them up... while we all really do have these exclusive tendencies, we'd like to think we either don't or else, have the opportunity to turn over a "new leaf" by changing our attitude in a somewhat forced manner.

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    Quote Originally Posted by April View Post
    Personally, I'm not a fan of the SimilarMinds tests. I typically score 50-60% in one direction on any given dichotomy, and results are unreliable on F/J for me.
    And that's the key to figuring this out. Which questions trouble you?

    I think the Human Metrics test is a bit better. It's more reliable, though I've scored INTJ. Are you interested in what the test-makers believe they're assessing? Perhaps they have done some reliability testing.
    I'm very interested.

    Here's what I think the test-makers believe they're assessing (along with some of my reactions), so maybe some food for thought. I would agree with them in many cases.
    What do you mean by "stupid" in the responses? Do you mean the meaning of the questions is obvious, or that the question is invalid?

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    star stuff April's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Here's the issue: the questions tend to be accurate, however their correct interpretation requires extensive experience and/or training. So it's no wonder why people screw them up... while we all really do have these exclusive tendencies, we'd like to think we either don't or else, have the opportunity to turn over a "new leaf" by changing our attitude in a somewhat forced manner.
    Right, so I wonder if they've done some sort of confirmatory factor analysis or have good alpha coefficients for their dimensions.

    It might be worth contacting them (or others with additional tests) if you're interested in using the instrument for personal research (I'm just guessing at your motivation here). When I was in college, I'd contact test-makers at times asking if I could use their instruments and/or have more information (explaining that I was just a college student and not making a profit or anything from any of this) and they were usually helpful.

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    And that's the key to figuring this out. Which questions trouble you?
    Most of them

    I feel my answers can vary greatly within different contexts. I know you're supposed to answer how you are most of the time, but it's still difficult to assess that for me. Like, "I tend to prefer actual examples to theoretical ones," well, um, what are we talking about?

    I guess I have the most trouble with F/T. For example, "I tend to pay more attention to my thoughts than my feelings." Are F types really supposed to be feeling more than thinking all day? Also, I tend to see my feelings as quite rational most of the time to the point where they almost qualify as thoughts. And, "I value compassion over analytical reasoning." Value in what sense? Would I rather the earth be filled with extremely compassionate idiots or extremely smart jerks? Ugh, neither.

    I dunno, I'm just a sample size of one.

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    What do you mean by "stupid" in the responses? Do you mean the meaning of the questions is obvious, or that the question is invalid?
    I think the question is invalid by being largely not type-related or influenced by too many potential outside factors.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
    The humanmetrics test is the most common mbti test i know of.

    I have a problem with it though as Many S's will type as N's on that test due to how some of the questions are phrased.

    Example: "You easily see the general principle behind specific occurrences." Who isn't going to answer that question with a yes?

    I have gotten many of my friends to take that test and the one as well. On humanmetrics - 90% of them test as NF's. On the Sociotype - about half of them test as N's and about half test as F's. I think there has to be a bias in this test to be able to yield those kind of results.
    The chances are decent that your friends, having as they do psychological natures, have F EM types for the most part. At least, that's to be expected. I tend not to have very many T EM friends myself... except for beta STs.

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    I want to be clear before I do anything. Do you want people to take the tests on those two links and give input on the questions and their results?

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by April View Post
    Right, so I wonder if they've done some sort of confirmatory factor analysis or have good alpha coefficients for their dimensions.

    It might be worth contacting them (or others with additional tests) if you're interested in using the instrument for personal research (I'm just guessing at your motivation here). When I was in college, I'd contact test-makers at times asking if I could use their instruments and/or have more information (explaining that I was just a college student and not making a profit or anything from any of this) and they were usually helpful.
    Hmm... I guess it couldn't hurt. But aren't these mostly anti-academic people making these tests? That's why they're copyrighted, isn't it, that they don't want people creating derivative works?

    I'll just avoid the MBTI people. They come off to me as kinda zealous and spooky.

    I feel my answers can vary greatly within different contexts. I know you're supposed to answer how you are most of the time, but it's still difficult to assess that for me. Like, "I tend to prefer actual examples to theoretical ones," well, um, what are we talking about?
    Right. The test appeals to expected type-based prejudices/relations. My LSE dad has more than a few times criticized me for being too theoretical and not grounded enough in the "real" world of business. He's generally rather skeptical of theory that isn't backed up by evidence. This was a reference to S practicality in general.

    I guess I have the most trouble with F/T. For example, "I tend to pay more attention to my thoughts than my feelings." Are F types really supposed to be feeling more than thinking all day? Also, I tend to see my feelings as quite rational most of the time to the point where they almost qualify as thoughts. And, "I value compassion over analytical reasoning." Value in what sense? Would I rather the earth be filled with extremely compassionate idiots or extremely smart jerks? Ugh, neither.
    As a Ti EM type, you most appreciate logic as the basis for your self-grounding. The only real goals for you are those for which there is evidence of possible attainment. You do not want to waste time. Or at least that's how I interpret the relationship between Ti and Fi. But I think you are a person who finds it difficult to believe in a thing without evidence. Now compare with an IEE EM type... such a person finds it difficult to understand any but the most basic non-relative truths.

    I dunno, I'm just a sample size of one.

    I think the question is invalid by being largely not type-related or influenced by too many potential outside factors.
    An interpretation error, no doubt.
    Last edited by tcaudilllg; 05-10-2011 at 02:40 AM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    I want to be clear before I do anything. Do you want people to take the tests on those two links and give input on the questions and their results?
    Sure if you'd like. That would be very helpful, probably. However the input is the most important -- we need to find the points at which the tests are inaccurate. Report which questions seem meaningless or "stupid", as April put it.
    Last edited by tcaudilllg; 05-10-2011 at 01:53 AM.

  14. #14
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    The tests seem to measure both attitude and emotion towards specific situations. The E/I questions all measure emotions towards group participation, whether positive or negative. The N/S questions measure personal tolerance for the exaltation of either in practice. The T/F questions measure anxiety towards dangerous interpersonal situations. The J/P questions measure personal preference in dealing with changing situations.

    And it seems that any question which fails to measure one of these four, fails to test for type.

    E/I measures sentiment.
    N/S measures tolerance.
    T/F measures reaction.
    J/P measures self.

  15. #15
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    1.You are almost never late for your appointments

    2.You like to be engaged in an active and fast-paced job
    SOMETIMES (yes)

    3.You enjoy having a wide circle of acquaintances
    SOMETIMES (yes)

    4.You feel involved when watching TV soaps

    5.You are usually the first to react to a sudden event:
    the telephone ringing or unexpected question

    6.You are more interested in a general idea than in the details of its realization

    7.You tend to be unbiased even if this might endanger
    your good relations with people
    YES, or biased even if it may endanger relations.

    8.Strict observance of the established rules is likely to prevent a good outcome

    9.It's difficult to get you excited

    10.It is in your nature to assume responsibility
    SOMETIMES (yes)

    11.You often think about humankind and its destiny
    SOMETIMES (yes)

    12.You believe the best decision is one that can be easily changed

    13.Objective criticism is always useful in any activity
    SOMETIMES (no)

    14.You prefer to act immediately rather than speculate
    about various options

    15.You trust reason rather than feelings

    16.You are inclined to rely more on improvisation
    than on careful planning

    17.You spend your leisure time actively socializing
    with a group of people, attending parties, shopping, etc.

    18.You usually plan your actions in advance

    19.Your actions are frequently influenced by emotions

    20.You are a person somewhat reserved and distant in communication
    SOMETIMES (no)

    21.You know how to put every minute of your
    time to good purpose

    22.You readily help people while asking nothing in return
    SOMETIMES (yes)

    23.You often contemplate about the complexity of life

    24.After prolonged socializing you feel you need
    to get away and be alone
    SOMETIMES (yes)

    25.You often do jobs in a hurry
    SOMETIMES (yes)

    26.You easily see the general principle behind
    specific occurrences

    27.You frequently and easily express your feelings and emotions

    28.You find it difficult to speak loudly

    29.You get bored if you have to read theoretical books

    30.You tend to sympathize with other people

    31.You value justice higher than mercy
    SOMETIMES (no)

    32.You rapidly get involved in social life
    at a new workplace

    33.The more people with whom you speak, the better you feel
    SOMETIMES (no)

    34.You tend to rely on your experience rather than
    on theoretical alternatives

    35.You like to keep a check on how things
    are progressing

    36.You easily empathize with the concerns of other people

    37.Often you prefer to read a book than go to a party
    SOMETIMES (yes)

    38.You enjoy being at the center of events in which
    other people are directly involved
    SOMETIMES (yes)

    39.You are more inclined to experiment than
    to follow familiar approaches

    40.You avoid being bound by obligations
    SOMETIMES (no)

    41.You are strongly touched by the stories about people's troubles

    42.Deadlines seem to you to be of relative, rather than absolute, importance

    43.You prefer to isolate yourself from outside noises
    SOMETIMES (yes)

    44.It's essential for you to try things with your own hands
    SOMETIMES (no)

    45.You think that almost everything can be analyzed
    YES (not that I want to)

    46.You do your best to complete a task on time

    47.You take pleasure in putting things in order

    48.You feel at ease in a crowd
    SOMETIMES (no)

    49.You have good control over your desires and temptations

    50.You easily understand new theoretical principles

    51.The process of searching for a solution is more
    important to you than the solution itself

    52.You usually place yourself nearer to the side
    than in the center of the room

    53.When solving a problem you would rather follow
    a familiar approach than seek a new one

    54.You try to stand firmly by your principles

    55.A thirst for adventure is close to your heart

    56.You prefer meeting in small groups to interaction
    with lots of people

    57.When considering a situation you pay more attention to
    the current situation and less to a possible sequence of events

    58.You consider the scientific approach to be the best

    59.You find it difficult to talk about your feelings
    SOMETIMES (yes)

    60.You often spend time thinking of how things
    could be improved

    61.Your decisions are based more on the feelings
    of a moment than on the careful planning

    62.You prefer to spend your leisure time alone
    or relaxing in a tranquil family atmosphere
    SOMETIMES (yes)

    63.You feel more comfortable sticking to
    conventional ways

    64.You are easily affected by strong emotions

    65.You are always looking for opportunities

    66.Your desk, workbench etc. is usually neat and orderly

    67.As a rule, current preoccupations worry
    you more than your future plans
    SOMETIMES (yes)

    68.You get pleasure from solitary walks

    69.It is easy for you to communicate in social situations

    70.You are consistent in your habits

    71.You willingly involve yourself in matters
    which engage your sympathies
    SOMETIMES (yes)

    72.You easily perceive various ways
    in which events could develop

    Your Type is
    Strength of the preferences %
    Extraverted 6
    Sensing 62
    Thinking 56
    Judging 78

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  16. #16
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    oh hey that test

    a year ago or so I kept getting IXFxs, but nowadays those kinds of tests give me XNFJ. This time is no exception.
    Last edited by Galen; 05-10-2011 at 09:29 PM.

  17. #17
    without the nose Cyrano's Avatar
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    " #24 The problems of the world are not my problem. SLI"

    Hey! Not true.

    Enneagram 5 with a side of wings.

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