Thought I'd share the study work, and see what the reception is or isn't.

First up are reviews of some tests from In my experience, these are the best type tests anywhere, but even they are not perfect due to the limited scope of concrete personality knowledge, at the the Ti level, that is widely available. As such, there are conflations of sociotype independent traits with sociotype-dependent traits in a number of cases.

The Indirect test is particularly interesting. What I think happened is that the author took into account unusual manifestations of the sociotypes due to sociotype-independent traits. I'll be looking over the other (non-sociotype) tests to see if there are correlations between the traits in the Indirect test and those others.

Here is the Indirect test with my notes after the questions.


1) I am a serious person. C-subtype

2) Enlightenment can be gained through meditation, self-contemplation, and intuition. I

3) I will do a lot to avoid rejection. Fe

4) I am a private person. Public/private

5) I have been accused of being selfish. ??

6) I am passionate about bettering the world's condition. Progressive

7) I speak softly. SEI EM

8) I am traditional. Fe

9) I learn a lot from my dreams. N

10) I believe laws should be strictly enforced. Extreme Conservative Traditionalist

11) I am distant. I

12) I lose things. N

13) I don't relate to most people. introvert destroyer

14) I feel best when others find me physically attractive. SEI EM

15) I need to be pursued in a romantic relationship. I don't believe in 50/50, meeting in the middle. IEI

16) My conscious thought filter is not very good. 1d Ti

17) I am open about my feelings. F

18) I have strong humanitarian tendencies. Si valuing

19) I am practical. S

20) I get caught up in my problems. Confrontation Threat Res

21) I challenge others' points of view. ILE? Mirror?

22) I am hard working. LSE

23) I forget to do things. LII

24) The problems of the world are not my problem. SLI

25) When I'm not interested in someone anymore, I ignore them. IEE

26) I would sacrifice my life for a good enough cause. Immanent

27) I try to follow the rules. T

28) I see other people as my competitors. LIE?

29) I am indecisive. P

30) I am systematic. T

31) I follow directions. LII LSE LIE ILI SLI LSI

32) I have a strong personality. Brave

33) I have initiated romantic hookups that I regret. I

34) I am not sure where my life is going. Negativist

35) I enjoy, appreciate, and strive for form, harmony, beauty, and balance. Si IM/EM

36) I keep myself uninvolved. SLI non-negotiator/collaborator

37) I think I deserve to have a more prestigious life than others. Extreme beta

38) I am critical of others. Taciturn

39) I have difficulty expressing my feelings. T IM/EM

40) I suppress my desires. LSI

41) My life is a series of experiments. LII

42) I am regular. Private C-subtype

43) I see myself as anxious. ??

44) My sense of happiness is affected by the quality of life of everyone on the planet. LII

45) I desire higher status. Aristocracy

46) I know who I am. Individuated person

47) I am competitive. D-subtype

48) I am attracted to prestige. beta

49) I am mystical. spiritualist

50) I must first approve of the job's larger impact on the world before I'll agree to perform it. Ne valuing

51) I am good at getting people to have fun. ESE

52) I think that I'm better than other people. Narccisist

53) I have a great need to improve the world. ?? (how?)

54) I can't concentrate. ADHD

55) I worry about how much I am liked by the few people I value. LSI

56) I am imposing. brave beta ST accepting subtype, possibly tall

57) I'm hard to read. LII

58) I suppose I can sometimes appear somewhat narcissistic. ILE

59) I do what's expected. LSE N-subtype

60) I get upset when people don't notice how I look when I go out in public. Fe
Not a very good test for sociotype deduction purposes. Of course the point needs to be proved. Let's compare with the short test.

1) I tend to be more practical than abstract. S

2) I am very introspective. N

3) I prefer to keep things open and flexible. P

4) I focus far more on possibilities than present reality. N

5) I talk a lot. E

6) I am weird. N

7) I tend to be more down-to-earth than head-in-the-clouds. S

8) I tend to prefer actual examples to theoretical ones. S

9) I often start/do things at the last minute. Procrastination - negotiator conflict res

10) I tend to be organized. T EM

11) An argument with feeling has more effect on me than a cold rational one. F

12) I am a private person. ? Maybe I.

13) I am very open. ? (as in Big 5? extrovert negativist then)

14) I feel very comfortable around people. E

15) I am far more casual than orderly. F

16) I am extremely interested in abstract ideas. could be N at IM or EM

17) I greatly appreciate strangeness. ? needs a qualifier

18) I tend to be more realistic than conceptual. S

19) I base my goals in life on inspiration, rather than logic. F

20) I frequently come up with ideas/solutions out of nowhere. N

21) I am extremely outgoing. ? E but risk for confusion. (Einstein outgoing...?

22) I am very social. E

23) I find it difficult to approach others. I

24) I tend to make specific plans before taking action. N

25) I am somewhat disorganized. ? F at EM level

26) I require lots of time alone to recharge. I

27) I tend to be more comfortable with the known than the unknown. S

28) I think rules and regulations are necessary. Non-tradition antagonistic

29) I tend to make decisions based on logic and facts. T

30) I frequently do things without a specific schedule or plan. S

31) I make friends easily. E

32) I prefer structured environments to unstructured ones. T

33) I rely mostly on my feelings to guide my decision-making. F

34) I tend to trust the mind more than the heart. T

35) I tend to prefer the specific to the general. S

36) I value compassion over analytical reasoning. F

37) I am extremely passionate. ?

38) I favor the surreal. N

39) I am extremely sentimental. ? F

40) I tend to pay more attention to my thoughts than my feelings. T

41) I value solitude immensely. I

42) I tend to value fairness more than feelings. ? I

43) I avoid unnecessary interaction. I

44) I am more of a planner than an improviser. ? N

45) I prefer to keep my spaces clean. strong EM Si

46) I tend to value competence more than compassion. T

47) I tend to be spontaneous. S

48) I tend to analyze things objectively and critically. T
Much more to the point and hence, highly accurate. Most people will receive an effective diagnosis by this test. I presume that the intention of the Indirect test was to offer a "stealth" typing for those people who over-think the questions on the short test. In my experience, when a person is determined to over-think the questionnaire, that's when a formal diagnosis is required.