Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
Dude, you'll love it. Philosophy was exactly what I needed in college. I didn't have a clue how I fit into the universe or how to make sense of everything. I doubted everything to the point of near nihilism and just kind of floated around from thing to thing that seemed interesting at the moment, but philosophy gave me a lot of clarity about what Truth was and how to go about establishing it. Just having that emphasis on using reason to find eternally true things (or at least highly certain things), made me ok with not having any overarching plans in life because no matter where I found myself I could count on having the big questions resolved (note I didn't say answered) that had thrown me into chaos. Ultimately for me, philosophy was always about attaining a means of living the good life as I sought to define it. I wasn't really cut out for extending the scope of it into the super crazy abstract realms where the focus is today, like philosophy of mind and so on.

Philosophy brought me peace and wisdom, yo.
Wow, now I really want to take philosophy.

Re the original post, I read A Brave New World awhile back. I found it rather nihilistic and depressing, though I don't think I knew the definition of nihilism at the time. All I knew is that finishing it made me feel kinda sick and confused about life.

My memory of it goes something like, "Lots of confusing numbers. Dr. So and So examines a test tube. We live in a Giver-esque society. Creepy New Age Girl, with her creamy white skin, exists like some kind of living doll in a bubble suit. The scrawny Indian in the Cupboard was mesmerized with Baby Spice after living a nomadic existence with lots of normally aging hags. We party it up and take lots of Soma. Bernard flies around on a spaceship. Now she screams. Or he screams. Someone screams. Someone looks up at the sky. Oh the nihilism of life! The end."

At the time I was reading it, I was still learning Socionics, so the quadra name associations kept popping up in my head. I couldn't help it. I totally understand if that happened to you. After Socionics, reading about the light spectrum is a pain, too.