You don't have a bad reputation. You just look like you're not an ILI.

Threads like this really do not help with that image. You neither offer lengthy, well thought out, factually-grounded discourses like niffweed, nor interesting stastical studies like ragnar. Instead you produce silly posts, and random splat-ideas like this thread.

You surely have personally compelling reasons for believing you are ILI, or else you would not believe it. Perhaps share them with us? Expect to be told you're mistaken, or that you're retarded. Ignore the latter, and any of the former who are rude or pushy about their opinion, and try and listen to the voices of reason.

Anyway, I'm not going to debate your type. I don't have an especially strong opinion, but I do consider it either unlikely that you're a Gamma (or any Serious type), or my understanding of the Gamma quadra is flawed or overly limited. Either is a reasonable possibility.

Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
Actually, I thought Epsilon was too undeveloped as an entity and basically fit within Delta caste.
Which is where your correlation becomes absurd. Mental ability is not related to Quadra! I went to a selective school, and we had an even mix of all quadras at all levels of intelligence.

Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
And you have nothing to say on the associations of intelligence and the industrial workforce?
I do indeed, and that is that it's got nothing to do with quadra.

Would you expect by this to have university populated by Alphas and Betas vastly outnumbering Gammas and Deltas? If you've been to university, this is patently absurd. Similarly would you expect a factory to be populated by Gammas and Deltas vastly in excess of Alphas and Betas?

Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
Because Brave New World was my focus; as I was reading into it, I was reminded of Socionics. It had nothing to do with the general namesakes of Alpha-Beta-Gamma-Delta.

Also, appeal to ridicule. The concepts of social domination, as they relate to the Greek numerals, are definitely not as relevant compared to the context of Brave New World.
My point was that it's purely a coincidence. It's just one you're giving arbitrary meaning to. The case of Alpha-beta-gamma-omega males is another coincidence... but one that you didn't give any meaning to.

Even more importantly, it has more in common with the castes than the castes do with quadras. Castes and hierarchical positions share in common hierarchy. The Quadras are denoted as they are to indicate a progression (I think, but don't quote me on that), not a hierarchy.

The only significance is that it's a trait of our language that we borrow from Greek sometimes to denote hierarchies or orders.

I'm sorry if I'm over-literalising your arguments. I'm tired and my brain is getting a bit sloppy.