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Thread: Breaking news: Bin Laden is dead

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    Default Breaking news: Bin Laden is dead.

    And I think if Obama's reelection wasn't already a certainty, it is now.

    That's another campaign promise he and his team have managed to fulfill. In debates he said, in no uncertain terms, "I will KILL Osama bin Laden".

    Well, now they have. I feel safer already. It will be very hard for al Qaeda to remain relevant without someone that psychotically pious, visible, and committed to killing those who disagree with him.

    So with al Qaeda crumbling, what next for planet earth?

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    My week just keeps getting better and better...

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    The Dems will run away with it. The damage to Bush's legacy, for bin Laden to have been discovered living in a mansion in Islamabad, will be severe.

    The Dems will be able to paint the Republicans as in egregious error for concentrating on Iraq instead of Afghanistan/Pakistan. Oh man, the fallout will be... awesome.

    Obviously for him to have been living in a mansion all this time, there must have been a huge mistake on the part of the intelligence services. Like, Iraqi WMDs-huge.

  4. #4
    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post

    And I think if Obama's reelection wasn't already a certainty, it is now.

    That's another campaign promise he and his team have managed to fulfill. In debates he said, in no uncertain terms, "I will KILL Osama bin Laden".

    Well, now they have. I feel safer already. It will be very hard for al Qaeda to remain relevant without someone that psychotically pious, visible, and committed to killing those who disagree with him.

    So with al Qaeda crumbling, what next for planet earth?
    I smell conspiracy.

    Last edited by EyeSeeCold; 05-02-2011 at 04:43 AM.

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    At the very least, this should tip the scales of morale in the direction that I mainly want for it to go in

    And so begins what should be a brighter chapter in the world...

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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    At the very least, this should tip the scales of morale in the direction that I mainly want for it to go in

    And so begins what should be a brighter chapter in the world...
    You're serious, aren't you.

    I guess I'll say, that would be nice.

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    That's actually from you pulling a shitty hoax on yourself and leaving awful skid marks all over your brain. Might want to consider a change of perspective.
    You're delusional.

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    Stop trying to predict things, tcaud!!! It's annoying.

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    I wouldn't celebrate prematurely.

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    I care far more about obamas economic policies than this towel wearing fear monger 12500 miles away.

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    Just for the record, I tend to favor the theory that the controversy over Obama's nationality amounts to a clever act of subterfuge on the part of the Obama administration. It's clear that Obama is a natural born US citizen, and yet he has made only a halfhearted effort to dispel rumors to the contrary. I suppose it's possible that his strategists counseled him to avoid the subject for fear that his involvement in the controversy would serve to further legitimize birther skepticism. I doubt this to be the case however. I suspect the Obama administration sees the controversy as a golden opportunity to make its opponents look bad and potentially to draw the attention of the media away from topics more dangerous to the administration.

    In other words, I'm starting to think Obama's vacillation over the citizenship issue has all along amounted to a magnificent tarbaby. By refusing to release a long form birth certificate early in his campaign, Obama successfully managed to lure a few injudicious, republican affiliated politicians (e.g. Donald Trump) into the arena with this non-issue, thereby creating a media shitstorm bound to make the republican party look racist and worthless. Has anybody else noticed the incredible lengths to which the republican establishment has gone to dissociate from Trump? For the entire month of April, the Drudge Report turned its propaganda machine away from Obama and towards Trump. Quit simply, the Republican party as a whole wants no part of this controversy cause they know it is bound only to make them look bad.

    Some speculate that Obama timed the release of the long form birth certificate to distract from economic issues. I think this is a shitty theory. If this were the case, Obama should have continued dancing around the birth certificate issue rather than attempt to put the issue to rest once and for all. A more credible explanation, IMO, is that Obama was preparing to make the Bin Laden announcement and, knowing his credibility would be called into question on the matter, wanted to make prevailing conspiracy theories look maximally stupid and secure as much trust from the public as possible beforehand.

    Obama is a slip, slip, slippery character. Upon announcing his decision to release a long form birth certificate, he feigned disappointment and bewilderment over the level of attention given the story. Sure Obama, sure that wasn't exactly what you were expecting and indeed hoping for all along.

    Oh yeah, and I'm entirely open to the possibility that the Osama announcement/operation was calculated to distract from the economy. Although, if this be the case, I do have to wonder why Obama specifically chose this moment in time to throw the Osama card (I suspect he'll have more opportune moments from an economic vantage point over the course of the remainder of his term).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
    Oh yeah, and I'm entirely open to the possibility that the Osama announcement/operation was calculated to distract from the economy. Although, if this be the case, I do have to wonder why Obama specifically chose this moment in time to throw the Osama card (I suspect he'll have more opportune moments from an economic vantage point over the course of the remainder of his term).
    Obama is definitely no dummy, that's for sure. An incredible strategist.

    My feeling was that the timing of the birth certificate announcement just prior to the Bin Laden operation was to more solidly bolster and bring home the fact that he's been concentrating on more serious matters than the frivolous birther issue. And to demonstrate that Trump picks on stupid little things that really dont matter much in the bigger picture.

    I too think the timing was intentional. And effective.
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  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
    Just for the record, I tend to favor the theory that the controversy over Obama's nationality amounts to a clever act of subterfuge on the part of the Obama administration. It's clear that Obama is a natural born US citizen, and yet he has made only a halfhearted effort to dispel rumors to the contrary. I suppose it's possible that his strategists counseled him to avoid the subject for fear that his involvement in the controversy would serve to further legitimize birther skepticism. I doubt this to be the case however. I suspect the Obama administration sees the controversy as a golden opportunity to make its opponents look bad and potentially to draw the attention of the media away from topics more dangerous to the administration.

    In other words, I'm starting to think Obama's vacillation over the citizenship issue has all along amounted to a magnificent tarbaby. By refusing to release a long form birth certificate early in his campaign, Obama successfully managed to lure a few injudicious, republican affiliated politicians (e.g. Donald Trump) into the arena with this non-issue, thereby creating a media shitstorm bound to make the republican party look racist and worthless. Has anybody else noticed the incredible lengths to which the republican establishment has gone to dissociate from Trump? For the entire month of April, the Drudge Report turned its propaganda machine away from Obama and towards Trump. Quit simply, the Republican party as a whole wants no part of this controversy cause they know it is bound only to make them look bad.

    Some speculate that Obama timed the release of the long form birth certificate to distract from economic issues. I think this is a shitty theory. If this were the case, Obama should have continued dancing around the birth certificate issue rather than attempt to put the issue to rest once and for all. A more credible explanation, IMO, is that Obama was preparing to make the Bin Laden announcement and, knowing his credibility would be called into question on the matter, wanted to make prevailing conspiracy theories look maximally stupid and secure as much trust from the public as possible beforehand.

    Obama is a slip, slip, slippery character. Upon announcing his decision to release a long form birth certificate, he feigned disappointment and bewilderment over the level of attention given the story. Sure Obama, sure that wasn't exactly what you were expecting and indeed hoping for all along.

    Oh yeah, and I'm entirely open to the possibility that the Osama announcement/operation was calculated to distract from the economy. Although, if this be the case, I do have to wonder why Obama specifically chose this moment in time to throw the Osama card (I suspect he'll have more opportune moments from an economic vantage point over the course of the remainder of his term).
    Lol pre-meditation or not, I still think its fucking pathetic people waste their time with stupid stuff like this when they could be debating real issues. Pre-meditation on the part of Obamas staff doesn't make me all of a sudden say... poor manipulated republicans, mean manipulative liberal elites that control the media! It makes me say, who gives a shit, now, and who gave a shit, then, obviously doesn't give a shit about the important stuff.

    The real enemies to the economy are the republicans, they worry more about control of the White house than the nation's economy, I have near absolute confidence republicans would love to sabotague our nation when there is a democrat in power just to have the opportunity to come in and gloriously save the day. That's the true color of American politics, is about partisan dominance and not the greater good for the nation. I'm telling you, if it was ever discovered by a republican that a democrat did something positive for the nation, they wouldn't feel a sense of gratitude, they would first immediately invent a conspiracy theory, no not be skeptical, as skeptics are equally as skeptical of conspiracy theories, they would INVENT one... then if that fails they would kill themselves or go delusional. America isn't shit because of the republicans or democrats, its shit because of our partisan politics, narcissism, hypercompetitivity, and materialism. If more people thought for themselves instead of attempting to interface with a particular "party" and go to political prep rallies for adults, learned to see the universe as consisting of more than themselves and their own lives, cultivated an appreciation for learning from failures instead of having a neurotic fear of loosing, and learned to enjoy the non-material in life.... I promise you things would improve vastly. Too many people buy into partisan lies... the figures don't lie, in this era of American politics its increasingly common to see Americans flip-flop between parties. After a president from one party is elected, its common for a congress of the opposite party to get control at the next election. If we as citizen were looking at a politician like this, we would say they are a flip-flopper and are confused. Why aren't americans looking at themselves like this, afterall in a democracy aren't the citizens the politicians in a sense as all political power is ultimately derived from their votes? Why aren't americans aware of the faults of bipartisanship? Why don't americans decide what it is they support and think for themselves. All the republicans and democrats are, are aristocracies much like those that ruled over Europe 300 years ago. America is becoming less and less free everyday, more polarized, the executive branch bigger, and our role in international politics more imperialistic.

    Republicans are ruled by the upper echeleons of society which have the most wealth and influence to win at political campaigning. Looking at the last election, republicans are represented by three main categories.
    • The Military
    • Corporate America
    • Evangelical Christians

    Each of these three ruling elements of upper class American society, constantly campaign to the American people for their support, claiming they will
    • Make our nation strong/proud
    • Make our nation moral/holy
    • Protect our nation

    It's pretty much the protestant work ethic on steroids; chrisitian moralism mixed with the military-industrial complex. Is that what you really support?

    Even if the republicans are the tougher and more work/industry oriented class. They fail to realize that what is going to save America isn't adherence to the old way of doing things, the Post WWII "Let's overthrow dictators - GO UN!" mentality in terms of international politics, and the Post WWII modernistic industrial work ethic... what needs to happen is a paradigm shift, we need someone to ride the wave and dynamically adapt to the world that is forming around us.

    I'm not saying obama is the one to do this, I'm saying I think the american people should be the ones to do this.
    Last edited by male; 05-11-2011 at 01:14 AM.

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    Whenever I see people still posting in this thread, I keep hoping to pop in here and see that Osama has risen from the dead. Preferably as a zombie.

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    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2 View Post
    Whenever I see people still posting in this thread, I keep hoping to pop in here and see that Osama has risen from the dead.
    u mean like Jesus?
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    Gee, that didn't take long.

    PhotoBlog - American jihadist leads pro al-Qaida rally in Somalia

    Notice how similar this guy is to bin Laden. It's like the position of al-Qaeda leader requires very specific credentials and abilities.

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    imo, it is not Bin Laden. I believe Bin Laden died around December in 2001.
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