I've been lurking on this forum for a while, but I felt like I needed to post this. My ILE best friend died yesterday--he fell out of a fourth story window on shrooms. He lived in another city. We talked online/via videochat almost every day. He was often depressed, and he would say that only talking to me made it better. He had the same effect on me--when I was down, he somehow had a magical way of making everything seem okay. We only became close in the past year, after I moved away from the city in which we both had lived (I had gone to college there). We met b/c he was friends with my friends, but I never thought he would like me that much or that we were too similar. But we started talking online a lot over the summer after I moved, and then after that we were talking every day--it was around the same time that I discovered socionics, and this friendship really proved to me that socionics was real. Before, my russian college roommate had told me that me and this guy were "duals" and I just didn't know what it meant.

About a month before he passed away, we took a miniroadtrip together. At one point, he made me climb a big hill that I didn't want to climb b/c it made my shoes wet, lol. But then after we got up there, we could see the whole town, and mountains. Then I wanted to climb a birch tree, so we climbed it and sat there for a while looking at the town. He thought it was a pity that we didn't hang out more before I moved, but I said that we had all the future to hang out together. I feel like I only learned how to say that b/c it's like something he would say to me to comfort me, if that makes sense--he always made me feel better about the future. I really feel like we "dualized" each other to an extent. I felt much stronger and more capable of a person having known him.

I wonder if anyone had dealt with losing a dual in any way--whether it be a significant other that "dualized" you and then you guys broke up, etc etc. And what the best way to deal with that was, if any. Or, I don't mind just being...given permission to share crazy ILE stories about this guy and what he was like. He really was the epitome of that type. I miss him so much.