"This particular scene really resonates with me. It's like you go through high school and university, not even that for many, and then BOOM, you're on your own, life changes completely almost overnight. Suddenly you go from being a kid to being expected to be a success by everyone around you. If, like me, you're still single at that point, suddenly the race is on to find a partner on top of it all. You're likely not even 22 years old, but suddenly everything you've ever known has gone out the window and you are under immense pressure to succeed on your own two feet, when really there are many who only want to be in the position of least possible responsibility until they can figure out what it is they want from life because they genuinely are not ready for what's suddenly befallen them. For some, this extends into mid life, or even late life. This pressure to be a success or to please those around you is incredibly damaging for some people. It's that pressure that killed my best friend ultimately. He wasn't ready for it, and neither was I. I don't plan on following the same path that he did, but I understand why he did it." - Youtube comment by Yella Dart