Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
i'm curious what you identify with in 6 as opposed to 9 or 1. if you feel like answering.
Hehe, you should have been in the IRC last night, laghlagh. Apparently, everything I wrote there pointed towards my evidence of being an Enneagram 6. Perhaps Golden could better elaborate. Anyways, I'll try answering your question the best I can.

Well, 9 for a main type is out straight off. From what I understand, 9s are... 9-like in all areas of their lives. But, though I can be 9-like in many areas, a significant number of areas in my life I am not 9-like at all.

Now, why I'm not a 1 is a bit trickier to say. I do hold high standards for myself. I am a bit of the perfectionist. But, I am not as steady and sure of my own thoughts and opinions as Enneagram 1s would be.

That's the main crux of why I am an Enneagram 6. I have little confidence in how I've come to my own ideas and understandings. For example, I'm typing this out without checking up on my "trusted sources." This feels like a risk to me. I need reassurance that what I'm doing, and my understanding of things is not badly flawed. That's my main point of anxiety.

This can, perhaps, come across as rather skittish and uncertain. A constant badgering of questions, perhaps, to those designated as trusted sources. A person constantly checking himself to make sure his next action will be the right one.