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Thread: LII-IEE relations of supervision (INTj & ENFp)

  1. #41
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    I havent known many female intjs but the ones I have known were interesting. I think thats because I was only looking from a distance though. My inner alarm told me to get no closer. It seemed like trying to get into their world would be like climbing in a metal box filled with interesting books and what not, but then youre stuck and cant get out. Enfps need to be free and move about but intjs cant follow. They need more control over their activities and like to run their own program. OH and sometimes they are just plain boring, but arent we all, sometimes

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

  2. #42
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    So female ENFps are attracted to male INTJs? False. I know only one INTJ, and we work best if we keep a certain distance. Anything else is a BAAAAD mistake. Am I the only ENFp who feels like that?

  3. #43
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    Default Re: male ENFps and INTjs

    Quote Originally Posted by krae
    we all know about the female ENFps and their twisted (ok, ok sorry ) attraction to male INTjs.

    the question is why male ENFps aren't attracted to female INTjs.
    Based on observation: supervisor-supervisee pairs work well when the male is supervisor and the female is supervisee. People who like it the other way around are probably suffering from a condition similar to Oidipus Complex.

    Since the playful and sometimes child like character of ENFp seem to be more evident in females than males this phenomena might manifest very strongly in INTj-ENFp pair.

    Damn using "male" and "female" makes me feel pro.

  4. #44
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    Default Re: male ENFps and INTjs

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Since the playful and sometimes child like character of ENFp seem to be more evident in females than males this phenomena might manifest very strongly in INTj-ENFp pair. The ones I met (intj females) found me facinating and tried to get with me :wink:

    Damn using "male" and "female" makes me feel pro. and this means....?

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

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    Default Re: male ENFps and INTjs

    Quote Originally Posted by Topaz
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Since the playful and sometimes child like character of ENFp seem to be more evident in females than males this phenomena might manifest very strongly in INTj-ENFp pair. The ones I met (intj females) found me facinating and tried to get with me :wink:

    Damn using "male" and "female" makes me feel pro. and this means....?
    *sigh* Don't argue, it is a good hypothesis. It might have some truth in it :wink: and just forget about the last comment it means nothing

  6. #46
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    Default Re: male ENFps and INTjs

    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Quote Originally Posted by Topaz
    Quote Originally Posted by XoX
    Since the playful and sometimes child like character of ENFp seem to be more evident in females than males this phenomena might manifest very strongly in INTj-ENFp pair. The ones I met (intj females) found me facinating and tried to get with me :wink:

    Damn using "male" and "female" makes me feel pro. and this means....?
    *sigh* Don't argue, it is a good hypothesis. It might have some truth in it :wink: and just forget about the last comment it means nothing
    uhm.... K

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

  7. #47

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    Default INTjs and ENFps (possibly mistyped INTp)

    I've been hanging out w/ an INTj friend a lot lately, and for the first time I've really noticed my HA appearing. For example, I do state facts often about topics I might otherwise not feel the need to comment on.

    Any other ENFps have experience w/ this? INTjs, does it seem silly to you to watch an ENFp doing this?

    Usually, the INTj does end up agreeing w/ me, so it's not like we're "arguing." But w/ other friends, I would prob let the topic slip by without really asserting an opinion, you know?
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

  8. #48
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    I'm not sure if not giving an opinion would bother an INTJ. I mean, would they expect that from their dual? Maybe it's more like whether you are receptive to the INTJ's opinions.
    I actually know some really opinionated ENFPs. I'm not so sure the Ti POLR makes them less opinionated, as it does more _fickle_ in their opinions. An ENFP I know will claim that he's sold on something and then argue for the exact opposite the very next day. The part that's odd isn't even so much that there's been a change of opinion, but that it's as if he's not even aware that his opinion has changed. Also, I think ENFPs don't really have problems accepting 2 contradictory theories as both true. They don't seem to feel a need to "reconcile" them. But I guess you would know more than I. Does any of that sound right to you?
    Interestingly, I know a few INTJ-ENFP couples...

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    I don't know if I'm an ENFP and I don't know whether I should reply to this but I feel like an ENFP in my "awesome" friendship with the INTJ.
    From personal experience I feel like I need to be on guard and watch myself because if I don't she might pick up on something that is irrational and make fun of it (I really hate her actually). I feel the need to appear like a know it all but it's never enough.
    She always wins in arguments and I can only resort to some weak but in any case she'll always win unless someone backs me up and then I finally have back up against her. If not, I end up extremely annoyed and humiliated (this happens when I forget that I need to stay away from her and refine myself).
    I could also be an INFJ so I don't know if we have an ENFP - INTJ relationship; it just seems more likely than look alike but I'm not sure because she might be a bad version of INTJ.

    How do you feel in this friendship?

  10. #50
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    are you asking how i feel in friendships with INTJs?
    If so, completely safe. Like there's mutual attraction, interest, and respect. And I really enjoy theoretical discussions with them.

    I don't really feel the way you describe toward my supervisors, but I do sometimes feel that way toward INTPs. Maybe you are INFJ and he is INTP?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    are you asking how i feel in friendships with INTJs?
    If so, completely safe. Like there's mutual attraction, interest, and respect. And I really enjoy theoretical discussions with them.

    I don't really feel the way you describe toward my supervisors, but I do sometimes feel that way toward INTPs. Maybe you are INFJ and he is INTP?
    I was asking jewels too but you can help me even more.
    She's in no way an INTP she just waits for the good times which is something that disgusts me. She wants everyone to be shallow and smile. She loves the laughing atmosphere and food but you made me wonder. Could it be? I mean I was sure until now because she seems to crave but maybe I was wrong about her all along? You might be right but that really undermines my whole ability to type people. I don't see in her I just see a disgusting leech.
    My dad is someone I think of as INTP and I love our relationship. It's very relaxed and easy and helpful a lot of the time. We don't argue a lot and when we do it doesn't get to me the way arguments with the possibly INTJ do. But then again, he might not be an INTP..

    Could you describe your relationships with the INTP and INTJ?

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    Ritella, after what you said, I'm seriously rethinking my typing of my dad, the friend and myself. I see my dad as mostly a great person and my friend as evil (most of the time) but I don't know what that means as far as socionics. Maybe the INTJ is actually an INTP because she's quite a mean person. It's quite the opposite with my dad, he always gives me a fresh perspective on my problems that give me optimism (he always predicts the future for me and I love that) but he avoids social gatherings whenever he can and has no idea on how to deal with those. When I told him about socionics he refused to accept that theory dismissing such theory as absurd which to me seems not valuing of . About The "INTJ", I'm seriously considering INTP for her. I have to add that my INFJ friend gets along very nicely with the INTJ and they have great conversations while my conversations with her are stifled and stuck.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    I've been hanging out w/ an INTj friend a lot lately, and for the first time I've really noticed my HA appearing. For example, I do state facts often about topics I might otherwise not feel the need to comment on.

    Any other ENFps have experience w/ this? INTjs, does it seem silly to you to watch an ENFp doing this?

    Usually, the INTj does end up agreeing w/ me, so it's not like we're "arguing." But w/ other friends, I would prob let the topic slip by without really asserting an opinion, you know?
    sounds like you are interacting with an intp, your illusionary, not an intj.

    my two brothers are intj and enfp and believe me supervision from an intj is definitely felt as supervision. this was obvious to me even as an outsider watching their interactions. think pinky and the brain. the brain is the intj...pinky is the enfp.
    Last edited by Blaze; 05-29-2008 at 12:19 PM.


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  14. #54

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine Lively View Post
    think pinky and the brain. the brain is the intj...pinky is the enfp.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesy View Post


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

  16. #56
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    INTP and ENFP are illusionary, not semi-duals.
    Can you describe this person more? Mannerisms? Phrases? Interests? Views on life?
    I'm also not sure what you mean about the whole Fe thing. Do you see him being Fe-ish or responding to it well?
    Also, my INTP dad can sometimes seem really Fe-ish when he is clowning around, which can be deceptive. People may misread his behavior as Fe, though Fe doesn't just mean "big emotions."

  17. #57

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    I'm not sure if not giving an opinion would bother an INTJ. I mean, would they expect that from their dual? Maybe it's more like whether you are receptive to the INTJ's opinions.
    I actually know some really opinionated ENFPs. I'm not so sure the Ti POLR makes them less opinionated, as it does more _fickle_ in their opinions. An ENFP I know will claim that he's sold on something and then argue for the exact opposite the very next day. The part that's odd isn't even so much that there's been a change of opinion, but that it's as if he's not even aware that his opinion has changed. Also, I think ENFPs don't really have problems accepting 2 contradictory theories as both true. They don't seem to feel a need to "reconcile" them. But I guess you would know more than I. Does any of that sound right to you?
    Interestingly, I know a few INTJ-ENFP couples...
    hmm, I don't think I change my opinion that much, but I do agree that I hold two (or more) contradictory theories in mind at once. I would rather be open to possibilities, and I can see truth in everything. I say a lot of "on one hand, but on the other hand" things. I do tend to pretty much pick my overall view on something though, but I will change that as I add more info to the mix -- and maybe not tell others as I go through that process. If they ask me though, why I changed my mind, I will explain it.

    Funny, my INTJ friend was just kidding we were like an old married couple. Except I really think I would argue like crazy if I was that close to an INTJ (which is why Myers-Briggs I think just isn't right). Of course, ask me in a few days and you may get a different answer, haha
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

  18. #58

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesy View Post
    I don't know if I'm an ENFP and I don't know whether I should reply to this but I feel like an ENFP in my "awesome" friendship with the INTJ.
    From personal experience I feel like I need to be on guard and watch myself because if I don't she might pick up on something that is irrational and make fun of it (I really hate her actually). I feel the need to appear like a know it all but it's never enough.
    She always wins in arguments and I can only resort to some weak but in any case she'll always win unless someone backs me up and then I finally have back up against her. If not, I end up extremely annoyed and humiliated (this happens when I forget that I need to stay away from her and refine myself).
    I could also be an INFJ so I don't know if we have an ENFP - INTJ relationship; it just seems more likely than look alike but I'm not sure because she might be a bad version of INTJ.

    How do you feel in this friendship?
    Cheesy, well I do feel a bit "on guard" as far as making sure everything I'm saying is logical. Because of that, sometimes I say silly things (though just to throw her off), but I say them under the veil of "being logical" so it will stump her and make her think about it for a while. Like I will say authoritatively that a stranger we just passed is clearly an incompetent high school science teacher, based on whatever, just to make her overthink it and ask me all these silly follow-up questions, when in fact I really didn't have a strong opinion about the person and was basing it all on one or two little things I noticed about them.

    Usually though, she does agree w/ me when we "discuss" and I just make a point to stay logical. It sounds like you may be INFj, based on how you mentioned having people "back you up." That sounds like my INFj friends in that situation, where as ENFps (in my experience) have a bit more feisty-ness and don't mind standing up when they get annoyed. But of course, I could be wrong and you could be ENFp..what do I know...this is just words on the internet after all

    As far as how I feel in the friendship, it's a bit colder and more thought-out than other relations, but in general it's good because: I know how to not piss her off (I just keep things unemotional and logical and banter a bit), it's nice to know she is logical and won't take offense very easily, she makes plans and contingency plans well so I never need to bring a map when we hang out, I know exactly what to expect and she almost always acts the same way -- these are good and bad things. She's not someone I talk about any topics in which I feel vulnerable with, and wouldn't go to her for a pep talk.

    Does that help you get a better idea, as far as your own type Cheesy?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesy View Post

    She's in no way an INTP she just waits for the good times which is something that disgusts me. She wants everyone to be shallow and smile. She loves the laughing atmosphere and food but you made me wonder. Could it be? I mean I was sure until now because she seems to crave but maybe I was wrong about her all along? You might be right but that really undermines my whole ability to type people. I don't see in her I just see a disgusting leech.
    My dad is someone I think of as INTP and I love our relationship. It's very relaxed and easy and helpful a lot of the time. We don't argue a lot and when we do it doesn't get to me the way arguments with the possibly INTJ do. But then again, he might not be an INTP..
    and btw Cheesy, the way you wrote the above paragraph sounds exactly like how my INFj friend would describe this. I think INFjs can assert their opinion on feeling issues more confidently and clearly than ENFps (who can try to stay neutral-sounding).

    for example, I might think someone was a "disgusting leach" but would very rarely say it that directly. Only with an extremely close friend and I would mutter it under my breath. Where as my INFj friend would often say things like that, because to her it was very clearly the truth. This can be humorous to others of course I always found it amusing when she would say what (to me) sounded like shockingly critical things.
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

  19. #59

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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    Cheesy, well I do feel a bit "on guard" as far as making sure everything I'm saying is logical. Because of that, sometimes I say silly things (though just to throw her off), but I say them under the veil of "being logical" so it will stump her and make her think about it for a while. Like I will say authoritatively that a stranger we just passed is clearly an incompetent high school science teacher, based on whatever, just to make her overthink it and ask me all these silly follow-up questions, when in fact I really didn't have a strong opinion about the person and was basing it all on one or two little things I noticed about them.

    Usually though, she does agree w/ me when we "discuss" and I just make a point to stay logical. It sounds like you may be INFj, based on how you mentioned having people "back you up." That sounds like my INFj friends in that situation, where as ENFps (in my experience) have a bit more feisty-ness and don't mind standing up when they get annoyed. But of course, I could be wrong and you could be ENFp..what do I know...this is just words on the internet after all

    As far as how I feel in the friendship, it's a bit colder and more thought-out than other relations, but in general it's good because: I know how to not piss her off (I just keep things unemotional and logical and banter a bit), it's nice to know she is logical and won't take offense very easily, she makes plans and contingency plans well so I never need to bring a map when we hang out, I know exactly what to expect and she almost always acts the same way -- these are good and bad things. She's not someone I talk about any topics in which I feel vulnerable with, and wouldn't go to her for a pep talk.

    Does that help you get a better idea, as far as your own type Cheesy?

    and btw Cheesy, the way you wrote the above paragraph sounds exactly like how my INFj friend would describe this. I think INFjs can assert their opinion on feeling issues more confidently and clearly than ENFps (who can try to stay neutral-sounding).

    for example, I might think someone was a "disgusting leach" but would very rarely say it that directly. Only with an extremely close friend and I would mutter it under my breath. Where as my INFj friend would often say things like that, because to her it was very clearly the truth. This can be humorous to others of course I always found it amusing when she would say what (to me) sounded like shockingly critical things.
    The last part of what you wrote helps a lot because I have to admit that I do tend to be critical of people's behavior at times . An IEE would correct the EII for being too judgmental right?
    I actually relate to how you described your relationship with the intj and it defiantly feels colder and more thought out.
    About the backup thing, I think that I can be very opinionated but I can't deal with her arguments because she has an all knowing attitude (even though it turns out many times that she's wrong about what she says). I win the arguments when I'm super confident about what I'm saying. I think that EIIs can be very opinionated and stand up for what they believe in to the point that it may come across as behavior. I have to say that the whole critical thing makes more sense for an EII than an IEE. I'm leaning towards EII but I still can't be sure.

    Can you describe how the as a leading function and as a secondary function manifest themselves? Or in other words, what's it like to be an ENFP?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Can you describe this person more? Mannerisms? Phrases? Interests? Views on life?
    I'm also not sure what you mean about the whole Fe thing. Do you see him being Fe-ish or responding to it well?
    Also, my INTP dad can sometimes seem really Fe-ish when he is clowning around, which can be deceptive. People may misread his behavior as Fe, though Fe doesn't just mean "big emotions."
    What I meant to say is that my possibly intj friend responds well to . When we're around our friends it's as if she's awakened.
    My dad who I believe is ILI may seem extraverted and I can see what you mean about an ILI acting deceptively .
    If you want someone to predict how situations will evolve, look no further.
    The intj on the other hand, seems cold and serious (like my mom who's an istj) until you put her in a social setting with people. She just blossoms in that environment. She also said that when an ISFP entered her life she became a happier person. She's extremely calculated and has a reason for everything she does which isn't like ILIs that tend to be more flexible in that way. She's like the exact opposite of going with the flow. When we meet up in a group of friends, she knows exactly when she'll go home and even if she's having a good time she'll stick to her plans. I also have to add that when I told her about this theory she told me that she thinks she's more of an mbti istj but I think that she's an intj logical subtype because she's not polr for reasons I can give you if you want me to..

    Do these descriptions fit INTJs and INTPs?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesy View Post
    She's like the exact opposite of going with the flow. When we meet up in a group of friends, she knows exactly when she'll go home and even if she's having a good time she'll stick to her plans.
    Interesting, my INTJ friend also does everything for a specific reason. I was sorta shocked when I realized that and she admitted it. Everything from where she picks to stand, to what she says to whom, to the time she wants to arrive somewhere -- all part of like this big plot. I guess that's why it's the "mastermind" type right? I have reasons for doing things maybe 20 percent of the time. and the rest is like "oh this cafe looks cute. think I'll stop in." Not, "I think so and so works here, and if I say something to him about this other person, it will help increase my chances of attaining X goal, etc."
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    Interesting, my INTJ friend also does everything for a specific reason. I was sorta shocked when I realized that and she admitted it. Everything from where she picks to stand, to what she says to whom, to the time she wants to arrive somewhere -- all part of like this big plot. I guess that's why it's the "mastermind" type right? I have reasons for doing things maybe 20 percent of the time. and the rest is like "oh this cafe looks cute. think I'll stop in." Not, "I think so and so works here, and if I say something to him about this other person, it will help increase my chances of attaining X goal, etc."
    that's funny that is so true of the intj types that i know. they won't waste their energy on anything that doesn't have an outcome that they clearly have sought and identified. that's really insightful about them, i never looked at it that way before.

    so much in contrast to EP temperament, no? like i'll waste all kinds of energy just bopping around, seeing what's out there. we're more hedonistic or something. i'll do stuff just because.


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    I have an INTj boyfriedn and I'm telling you it's crazy. We argue so much, from my point of view he cant talk (maybe due to his Fi polr) we can never discuss anything concerning "us" because he treats it as a fight. He thinks I criticize him all the time whereas I am mostly just trying to tell him how I fell when he behaves in that or the other way. He is far away from a caregiver and very absent minded. INTjs are not usually that, are they? I am pretty sure this typing of him is correct.
    On the other hand I have this ISTp friend, we feel attracted to each other when we meet but then we just don't keep in touch.

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    I think that I'm ENFP, I've been gathering up some information about myself and I think that ENFP would describe me better. I think that I'm just an ENFP that had it rough because my mom is an ISTJ. I think I'm extraverted because I've just returned from socializing and I feel energized and I want more, it's like I'm high on socializing. (but when I'm not having fun, I get grouchy until I get my fun).

    I compare myself to INXJs and I feel like there's something missing. It's too not spontaneous. I'm sure that there are people that are more spontaneous than me but basically I love doing silly things with my friends. A few days ago I had a wonderful experience where my friends drove me around in a shopping cart and I survived almost getting hit by a car. My friend moved me at the last second and I survived from being hit. And people were like telling me how awesome it is that I survived and I felt very good (and that's weird considering I almost got killed).

    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    Interesting, my INTJ friend also does everything for a specific reason. I was sorta shocked when I realized that and she admitted it. Everything from where she picks to stand, to what she says to whom, to the time she wants to arrive somewhere -- all part of like this big plot. I guess that's why it's the "mastermind" type right? I have reasons for doing things maybe 20 percent of the time. and the rest is like "oh this cafe looks cute. think I'll stop in." Not, "I think so and so works here, and if I say something to him about this other person, it will help increase my chances of attaining X goal, etc."
    hahaha. It's very creepy; sometimes I'm not sure if she's a robot or a person. I think it's even worse with my Intj friend because you never know if what she's doing is sincere. I like to go with how things feel, if I feel like doing something I will do it and I don't have some master plan sketched in my brain. I usually love doing stupid things while she never joins the fun, the only fun she ever has is "planned fun". It's almost like there's a dialogue going on in her master mind brain about her plan on how to pass an evening with her friends: "from 7 pm to 11 pm I will have fun and laugh but after that I will go home".

    Here's another INTJ story for your entertainment - my INFJ friend had a birthday and I wore this really cool jacket that had a bright beautiful color and both the INFJ and INTJ were like: "how can you wear something that outrageous?!". It was really annoying and the INTJ just laughed at it but at least my INFJ friend had the courtesy to correct it and complement on the color of my jacket. When I said goodbye to one of my friends I whispered "I hate her" and I think she heard me because she was all grumpy and sour the whole way back home. In the end of that night, we walked the birthday girl home, the INTJ just kept walking in front of us not saying a word. It's like when it's not she becomes the most boring sour person on earth.

    What I don't get is that my relationship with her is not look a like. My INFJ friend and INTJ have nice relaxed conversations about any subject (I told my INFJ friend how much I dislike her but she says they get along nicely and that they can discuss things at ease) but that's not what I have with her at all. The more I think of it the more I'm confused because if I was IJ, I would be this introvert that hates bright colored jackets. I just don't feel like I'm an INFJ (although my INFJ friend is one of the greatest people I've ever met), I feel like an ENFP who's been deprived her whole life of being accepted. But jewels, feel free to correct me, I love it when you do that

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesy View Post
    I think that I'm ENFP, I've been gathering up some information about myself and I think that ENFP would describe me better. I think that I'm just an ENFP that had it rough because my mom is an ISTJ. I think I'm extraverted because I've just returned from socializing and I feel energized and I want more, it's like I'm high on socializing. (but when I'm not having fun, I get grouchy until I get my fun).


    What I don't get is that my relationship with her is not look a like. My INFJ friend and INTJ have nice relaxed conversations about any subject (I told my INFJ friend how much I dislike her but she says they get along nicely and that they can discuss things at ease) but that's not what I have with her at all. The more I think of it the more I'm confused because if I was IJ, I would be this introvert that hates bright colored jackets. I just don't feel like I'm an INFJ (although my INFJ friend is one of the greatest people I've ever met), I feel like an ENFP who's been deprived her whole life of being accepted. But jewels, feel free to correct me, I love it when you do that
    @Cheesy -- yeah, that does sound like you've got it figured out! Really, what can I say from a couple of internet posts? You have known yourself your whole life after all! Do be careful of shopping cart situations!! That does sound like a situation I could have gotten myself into in the past, when I was younger though. Actually, still, if there was a shopping cart and several friends suggested it was a great idea for me to get in it, I would consider it. I read somewhere that ENFps can be talked into doing silly there ya go!

    I've also worn some strange things over the years, but I do get very sensitive if someone doesn't like it. Actually, the INTj I know has commented on some of my funky jewelry, and asked if I was wearing it for a reason, lol. She said it was a bit "young" for me, or something like that. haha. But don't let them stop you! Wear the funky-ness

    Also, when you said "and here's another INTj story for your entertainment" that also sounds ENFp, because we do like to tell funny stories about friends.

    congrats on finding your type!

    @Pauluch -- Your description of your relationship w/ your INTj is exactly how I've pictured that would be for an ENFp. I think it would get frustrating, with them not understanding how you feel. It's seems whenever I've mentioned feeling-ish concerns to an INTj they definitely care that i'm upset, but their attention span for listening is about 15 seconds and then they're back to calculating things in their minds, lol.
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

  26. #66
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    Here's an example of an older LII sister supervising her younger IEE brother. She is picking up on lack of structure in his thoughts and constantly reprimanding him for not being "intelligent" enough.

    To get along with IEEs, LIIs should avoid doing this.

    Well, ahem...
    So I was just going to browse for opinions on whether ENFp's make anyone else grind their gears, but apparently we are guilty here. What else is new? ~

    Ironic relief aside now, there have probably already been several threads dedicated to this topic, but none are particularly recent so I just wanted to put this out there on my own behalf.

    My brother who is an ENFp really just makes me want to go crawl into a dark hole where I never have to deal with him again. Granted I would do this if I had a shovel, but I don't. Sometimes we'll get along great, we'll hang out sometimes on weekends if neither of us have other plans or we'll cooperate to get a job done. But here's the hitch.

    I'm female, he's male, I'm 16, he's 14. I know that regardless of personality type that there is going to be some conflict here, but the real problem I'm having whenever I'm around him is that everything he says is either;

    a) An inaudible grunt or similar noise.
    b) Uncalled for or irrelevant.
    c) Incredibly unintelligent and illogical.

    Example 1: Me = J Him = R

    J: You got plans this afternoon?... (note lame attempt at conversation)
    R: I dunno.
    J: Did you make any plans?
    R: I forget.
    J: Really... ( Not trying to diffuse the 'conversation' or end it. More provoking at this point. )
    R: Why do you care? ( Getting agitated yet slightly more coherent)
    J: I don't, I was just trying to make conversation.
    R: You always say that.
    J: And you still haven't managed to come up with an intelligent response yet.

    - This then continues into him probably calling me some names, trying to offend me, which I diffuse by raising eyebrows and egging him on without making any offensive moves or by walking off and telling him to come back when he has broadened his horizons of how to insult people properly.

    Yes, I know that I shouldn't provoke him and that I am probably the main cause of our conflict, but this is one of those, 'you have to be there' or 'live my life for a day and you may start to understand.' kind of things. Honestly, it's brutal the way he pretends to be above everything and has a skull with thickness comparable to an anvil. There is no hope for trying to embed any notion of logic or reason in his mind, everything I try to put by him is apparently unimportant, boring or stupid. Opinion noted on my part, yes. His opinions being more important and superior to mine. Not so much. There isn't even any room for common ground with him, which I would settle for just so that we can get along better.

    What is a reasonable way to approach the difficulties between myself and my ENFp, slightly egocentric, narrow-minded, rapidly-growing (this means I can no longer pummel him), and impossible brother?

    / My apologies if this turned into too much of a venting-rant, but I am about to go get my shovel. /

    An example of LII-IEE interaction at 8+ minutes.
    Amie: IEE-Fi. Chad, her ex: LII-Ti.
    Their son's type could also be LII. Due to his behavioral problems it's hard to say.
    "My Ex Won't Stop Videotaping and Posting Our Out-of-Control Son's Tantrums"
    Last edited by silke; 11-18-2014 at 11:01 PM.

  27. #67
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    Talking I had been horribly supervised IEE

    I firmly otrevizoval Huck ENFP. You can see as much as he writhes on my supervision! Perhaps the most valuable in this video, I find that this instance of the representatives of the TIM Huxley - very frankly makes itself felt, "where he had a sore." Typically Hucks talking to me put the "Masks of invulnerability" - an extremely tense so as not to be inadequate - in reply to my natural psychic influence. Because of what the supervision does not look like the rule rather intense. Only under the close supervision of advanced specialist Socionics could make out the audit. This "Example Dude" - not like that. He shows evrything inside himself!. Frankly ALL! Because of this, according to my calculations approximate - observation of the facts supervision crush on my part - can be considered in this case - 3 times more often than I used to see them normally.
    PS: I am very grateful to my friend, "Mr. Rabbit" for taking part in my interview, and demonstrated how much more dangerous and conflict-can be socionic relations
    PPS: It was very natural interviews, acting without fraud, dramatization, etc. ie "Pure experiment"
    PPPS: I do not aim at public humiliation of the individual in this video. The main task EFFEKTNOSTI I gave this video - it's promotion of Socionics and no more

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    @OP: Jesus woman buy some fucking balls.
    Reason is a whore.

  29. #69
    Samuel the Gabriel H. MisterNi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GuavaDrunk View Post
    @OP: Jesus woman buy some fucking balls.
    You sure you're an IEI?

    IEE Ne Creative Type

    Some and role lovin too. () I too...

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterNi View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by GuavaDrunk View Post
    @OP: Jesus woman buy some fucking balls.
    You sure you're an IEI?
    Not at all. Considering I'm SEI atm. Why?
    Reason is a whore.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GuavaDrunk View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by MisterNi View Post

    You sure you're an IEI?
    Not at all. Considering I'm SEI atm. Why?
    Oh, just you know.

    IEE Ne Creative Type

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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterNi View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by GuavaDrunk View Post

    Not at all. Considering I'm SEI atm. Why?
    Oh, just you know.
    That post was three days ago. It is now obviously obsolete.
    Reason is a whore.

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by GuavaDrunk View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by MisterNi View Post

    Oh, just you know.
    That post was three days ago. It is now obviously obsolete.
    OK, make up your mind already.

    IEE Ne Creative Type

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  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by GuavaDrunk View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by MisterNi View Post

    You sure you're an IEI?
    Not at all. Considering I'm SEI atm. Why?
    When I read your post I thought the same thing. BECAUSE "grow some balls" seems like the IEI thing to say.
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    Who cares if an entj can one-sidedly hurt my ****** feelings because an istp does the same thing to an entj. They are JUST as business-y smart as an entj, w/o being as insecure about their inner bodily tension. (no si polr) They are creative with Te, and the entj doesn't really have anything to defend himself with it. It's like somebody dancing in their faces, confidently naked, showing off their buttox and then and going 'Ha-ha' like Nelson from Simpsons after they do it. Being Sensors, istps also aren't as afraid as a real physical challenge with the entj either... and they have this calm strength that an entj can't phase at all.

    Most istps find forums like this boring though, they are more out in the 'real world' fixing toasters, playing golf and making lots of money and shit, and that's what all of us should be focused on more anyway. Right? =p

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Who cares if an entj can one-sidedly hurt my ****** feelings because an istp does the same thing to an entj. They are JUST as business-y smart as an entj, w/o being as insecure about their inner bodily tension. (no si polr) They are creative with Te, and the entj doesn't really have anything to defend himself with it. It's like somebody dancing in their faces, confidently naked, showing off their buttox and then and going 'Ha-ha' like Nelson from Simpsons after they do it. Being Sensors, istps also aren't as afraid as a real physical challenge with the entj either... and they have this calm strength that an entj can't phase at all.

    Most istps find forums like this boring though, they are more out in the 'real world' fixing toasters, playing golf and making lots of money and shit, and that's what all of us should be focused on more anyway. Right? =p
    Anyone who likes supervising their supervisee deserves to be supervised themselves. That's how I look see it... turnabout is fair play.

    This includes me as well. If I act like an asshole all the time, I give the forum EII full permission to supervise the fsck out of me.

    IEE Ne Creative Type

    Some and role lovin too. () I too...

  37. #77
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    When I give ILIs my honest approval, Im hoping SEIs will give me theirs, lol.
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    Red face IEE dating an LII care to share

    It's funny and difficult being an IEE dating an LII where both are aware of the usual turnout ending in failure(the relationship not working). I can definitely understand how the relationship could fail and why. In most cases would not recommend this combination unless both sides are willing to put in extra work to gain knowledge about their partner and extra knowledge about his or herself.

    Sometimes he leaves me a little ego-hurt with his "truthfulness" and sometimes I leave him a little baffled with my "novel ideas".

    Anyways... I understand what everyone says....... but f that we're happy!!!

    Anyone else care to share about their IEE/LII relationship?!

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    I don't think I have experience in this pairing, but I'm interested in learning more! Are you two dating, married? By truthfulness, do you mean criticism, or just general directness in delivery of observations?

    Also, welcome! Always happy to have another IEE's insight!
    And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't he more surely care for you?- Matthew 6:30

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