I'm rewatching on a marathon. Here are my present thoughts with Season 2 finished.

Leslie Knope: ESE. Emotionally energetic, positivist and optimistic. EJ-temperament that enjoys work, activity, and accumulating it, often taking on more than she can handle. Her messy house seemed more an indication that she lacked a Ti-filter to prioritize her possessions.

Ron Swanson: SLI. IP-temperament. Emotionally reserved with an Fe-PoLR. Leslie's enthusiasm for the job bounces right off of him.

Tom Haverford: EIE. Image-driven, Se-valuing, and ambitious. Good at manipulating the emotional atmosphere in a certain direction (see Ann's Halloween party).

Ann Perkins: EII perhaps?

Mark Brendanawicz: SEI? I'm not sure.

April Ludgate:

Andy Dwyer: ILE or SLE. Fe-HA with Fi-PoLR. He wants to be liked but does not get how he comes across, especially in regards to his emotional bonds.

Jerry Gergich: EII. Ron Swanson is probably the closest person in the office to understanding Jerry's social function and how much crap he unfairly gets, though he also -rarely- contributes to that as well. Jerry is soft-spoken, fairly reserved, but still affable.

Donna Meagle: EIE. She often finds a similar counterpart in Tom. She just normally succeeds at Tom's goals and lifestyle better than he does (see being share-owner at the bar or her popularity with the opposite number in Venezuela).

Chris Traeger: LSE?

Ben Wyatt: LII.