Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
Quote Originally Posted by Dioklecian
Quote Originally Posted by FDG
IMHO Britney is J. ESFj. Compare to Paris Hilton ESFp.
You are klutz in typing, PAris is YOUR DUAL, ISFJ
lol yeah its really funny how you have typed someone and someone says something totally different and its like, ".....what?"

i said in another thread i think Britney is ESFp. def perceiver, and i think k fed is ISFj by VI. he looks J from VI. Their relationship seems not duality.

I think Paris is ISFx, probably ISFj. her ex Paris Latsis looks super ENTj. That Stavros Niarchos looks super ESFp. lolololol i swear i dont read tabloids, i have a good memory
If KFed is an ISFj, then I am dead, and speaking to you from the grave. He's some type of extravert that doesn't dress well.