Quote Originally Posted by cracka
Quote Originally Posted by MySaviour
probably ESTjs. They intimidate me with their stupidity. These folks, act on, stand by, and chart, forcefully, the course of people's life on their own shitty conclusions. God.
I think stupidity is the wrong word here...more like stubborn or strong willed. As far as Us making shitty conclusions, that all of course depends on what you're talking about. It's definitely Not the argument I'd like to get into on a message board, but you're saying with this statement that ESTJ's are always wrong in their thinking...

Quote Originally Posted by MySaviour
I can't really disagree with you, but ESTj's are out of control man. The kiddie INTp shit doesn't hold a candle, generally, to what ESTj's (and other types, obviously) see as their right to do. What you have to see is that I'm not limiting these traits to just an ESTj, but rather I am using them to provide a reason as to why I generally don't like ESTjs. Even if I am overbearing myself, I can't help but NOT like others who force themselves onto other people.

(I say I'm overbearing, but I don't really think that I am. In fact, I let most everything slide, because I just can't find the energy, or reason, to say anything).

Also, I see a difference between defending one's beliefs and PUSHING one's beliefs onto another, for whatever reason. While I like to think that I defend my beliefs (and am proud when I have successfully done so), I don't think I force them onto anyone. heh.
Do you not see how this entire statement is you trying to push your belief of why ESTJ's suck onto other people? Like I said, I'm not wanting to argue here but you're coming off as a total Dick, and I just wanted to point that out to you.
I would however like to hear about an experience with an ESTJ that makes you see this type as a whole this way?
I maybe should have littered my response with the "tends to" and "maybes," but I don't regret not doing so. I don't like and am intimidated by people who are similar to what I described in my previous post, that I will stand by, because it is true for me. As for tacking all those words to the ESTj personality type, I did that because that is the specific characteristic of the typical ESTj that really gets to me. I thought I made that clear. Of course I sound like a dick, I just insulted you, in a "roundabout way."

I stand by my use of the word stupid, because I am talking about the (frequent) instances in which ESTjs tend to become stubborn/stuck in their beliefs, and then start physically forcing the hand of those around them, although those around them have their own direction in mind. Is it so hard to understand what I am talking about here?

Do you not see how this entire statement is you trying to push your belief of why ESTJ's suck onto other people?

No, I do not see how I am pushing/forcing my beliefs on anyone. Please educate me. In that last post I stated my beliefs, and in this post I am defending them, pending more information.

What would make me a force would be the act of going out and imprisoning everyone who disagreed with my viewpoint, or firing them from my place of employment, or thinking of them as the scum of the earth AND afterwards trying to reduce them, physically, to nothing more than scum.

Before you continue, do you understand what I am saying?