"sociotype" is Jung's type

a lot of "confusion" (mismatches) is due to:

- using of baseless wrong theory (alike Reinin's bs) or wrong theory's understanding (alike your claims that Si types get tired quicker)
- muddy typing methods (with multiple interpretations) and doubtful skills in their usage (mb supposed about anyone who do not identifies types regularly)
- the lack of correct and useful typing data (alike when are used only questionnaires with prejudiced answers without nonverbal behavior)

all this leads to that REAL typing match between ANY two typers is <50% and average is <20%
(as minimum this is true about the very majority. never seen the other)

Peoples' behavior and IR effects fiting to normal theory shows me that I'm correct subjectively. The results of IR test may show that I'm correct objectively and may be sometimes to proof duality existence. Alike I've done before with objective proof that VI is useful for typing.
While what you prefer to do is to play in theory reasoning with the lack of interest to reality. Only this approach can lead to that after many years messing with the theory and typing you strangely understand even the basic's about types and may seriously use random bs instead of Jung+Augustinavichiute's theory.
Having the high interest to typology and being active in its discussions you'd could to make more reasonable efforts and mb to get better practical results. To use lesser reasoning for reasoning, but to pay more attention to the reality - to check good on practice how hypotheses work before to trust them. Then lesser of mistakes you'll do.