Life is one big cluster-fuck.

Take a human being and subject them to pain, the initial shock will stunt them and they won't know how to deal with it well. But as the pain becomes predictable, they can learn how to focus the mind through the pain, avoiding it won't solve anything, and they adapt to whatever circumstances they are given in order to push through it. The more this is done the easier it becomes, but what about the person that doesn't learn or is said to lack the will to continue? What about the process and motivations that go on beneath these decisions? We can't understand them because WE ARE THEM; this should be obvious, but we can't interface reality without pretending to understand them in some way. By making a rational judgement call we provide a snapshot in time of what went on before us and give a rough rational approximation as to how things work or function. It's always inherent bullshit, always a cheap summary of how we view a particular event. We can't fully understand any phenomenon because not only are we part of that phenomenon, we are our own phenomenon.

EVERYBODY KNOWS SOMETHING YOU DON'T. The skeptic is ALWAYS CORRECT, but NOT EVER RIGHT. The psychologist that attempts to interpret and understand has to use rational judgement to understand anything. Their judgements will always lack more information that they do not have and will be forever biased by this fact. Why is it that one person can determine a completely different rationale for why a person commits a crime? Take a man accused of murder and raping an 11-year old child. One person might utilize the ethical majority of what they consider to be of their given society and rationalize through their own understanding of their own unconscious ethical motivations that any man that commits such an act deserves only the harshest punishments. Another person might recognize the futility of punishing for punishments and the insane never-ending recurring process it creates and have utter indifference to the fact that no matter what one does they are punishing. Another person might sympathize because they think they understand something about the accused that shows them they were innocently human in some way. The point is, no one is correct, but they are each right. They each fucking contradict each other and make no god damn sense in relation to one another. It's the inevitable curse, do nothing and you condone, do something and you take a side, but you have to choose one to exist!

What about the society that shuns those that they don't see fall into a criteria of a norm? Take a schizophrenic, in one country such a person might be revered as a prophet that speaks with God and in another country just a crazy person that deserves a straight jacket and forfeiting of all freedom. Ethics...laws...rationale...they are all a fucking joke - something taken for granted as a way of life. For the man that abides by such a rationale loses much for the gain of presumed predictability. He trades the freedom of choosing any such rationale that his unconscious motivations seek for having a comforting prison of clarity. The rationale man becomes most predictable. In his predictability he loses to those aware of his predictability. The psychopath and the sociopath becomes Gods of this world in some eyes, but trapped by their own frustration with not feeling connected like others do and end up just as pathetic as the normal envied ones that end up victims of their own connecting rationality that they share with others.

Life becomes a chess board where we analyze what we know, or think we know, and create our snapshots that hopefully encapsulate enough that we will come out ahead of another person. Money, women, power, food, comforts, static representations of what our ever-changing motivations come to be. And since we can't truly understand these motivations, we're doomed to rationalize them and then change our stance. One minute we think something shouldn't be done and the next minute we do it! Everything is random from our perspectives. We can't truly be sure of what will come next. YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW. We're doomed hypocrites, doomed to an existence we are completely incapable of fully understanding.

Which brings me back to the idea of logic and predictability. Consider life as a chess board, then it is the best player that can create the most accurate snapshots, but unpredictably change these snapshots as they are created. The more an opponent repeats snapshots, the higher the chance he will be figured out and defeated. Relationships, friendships, enemies, they are all diplomatic contingencies. Let those around you find the predictability in you and they use you, but leave them confused and they will be eternally intrigued. But the game has no winners. It doesn't matter how long you last because it's never-ending and eventually you will crumble to that which you can't even control, but creates your whole existence - time.

This forum has been most intriguing in asserting this which always haunts me. No one knows why they live or what they should live for. Who is to say that the cockroach that I kill with my fist or foot has failed in evolution? What is the goal? To live forever? Can that even happen if time goes to infinity? There is no objective point to anything that we can be aware of. We are wandering ghosts looking for science, religion, predictability with logic and ethics, and recreation to fill our existential existence, to fill the unpredictability with predictability to assign the random patterns with meaning, to then give our existence meaning. Socionics is part of that goal. It's a sad goal that a bystander can do nothing to help, the problem being the fundamental nature of existence, and really if motivated to might find it best just to a psychopath.

But take the man that turns 16 and jumps off a building to his death. Who are we to judge that man by saying that he was insane? If he realizes the inevitable foolishness of everything, perhaps he has the greatest sanest will of all to be able to send himself to end of the pointless struggle. To see the insanity of the cluster fuck that is existence and decide not to be a part of that, who are we to pathetically judge for not wanting to participate in the chaos?

Now take a person and randomize the pain that they feel. They can't pull through it. It's what we aren't conditioned for that completely surprises us...but yet we are supposed to be unpredictable in order to stay ahead of everyone else, to assert ourselves as best as possible. To be unpredictable is painful, it goes against the rationality that we employ. It hurts us. Now that person can not adapt. What it is then that is at all certain?

It's all such a joke.

And I am correct, but not right.