Quote Originally Posted by Malyshka
Quote Originally Posted by metaiwan
Of course the judging/perception question is tricky. You are most likely emotional.
You think so after these couple of phrases? (((((: You'd make a great fortune-teller ((((((:
I guess I might have gotten a lil carried away here...but my assumption was that if you scored as a INF(whatever) on a test then emotions would be a big part of your life and value system.

This info sounds very interesting. I like learning about myself. lol

Is there any more info about INFJ's ?

There's all kinds of information about INFjs and INFps all over the web. If you look at socionics.com's statistics you will see the intuitive introverts seem to be the most interested in personality typologies(even tho they are apparently the rarest of types). I can tell you about INFjs/INFps from personal experience also.