I have a schedule in my head for how my day should go, but it's not set in stone or anything. I don't always do it in order either and I am very flexible if anything else comes up. People who know me well say that I have a good work ethic. I do get a tinge of guilt on days when I don't get priorities done, but I can get over it because I find other positives. At my first few jobs, my supervisor would criticize me for how long it takes me do do tasks. I dislike it when people jump down my throat and try to micromanage me. Even if I am dysfunctional when something new gets thrown into the mix, I will get to it at my own turtle's pace.

I have time to get my projects in and read, but also prioritize what I need to get done. What are considered priorities may change too. When I lot builds up, I am guilty of procrastinating. When it comes to new tasks, I spend a lot of time inside my head, trying to figure out how I'm going to go about getting everything done. Then, when I look at the clock, I wonder where the time has gone.