Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
oh how did you concluded that?

IMO she's an idealistic hippie. I used to be in doubt between INFp and ENFj. She once called herself 'an einzelganger in highschool'.

She has a highly evolved language (xNFx), everything she sais sounds like a poem. Next to that, she resembles an ex IEI girlfriend of mine perfectly.

I have a hardtime seeing an SEE in her I'm afraid... Except her eyebrows can be deceiving, similar to SEE.
the "idealistic hippie" is just a façade. This woman, like most people in Dutch politics, doesn't give a shit about the environment, she just got on that train because she wants power and influence. Don't let her words and political views fool you.

But apart from that, I simply don't see Fe in her behavior. She tries it at times, but her behavior is often so unauthentic, that she turns me off completely. I really don't hear poems when she speaks (and Sunday I saw Bright Star, a movie about Keats, now thát's true IEI poetry!), I only hear things she doesn't really mean.

Could it be that the fact you hear poems, mean she's your dual?