The emphasis on duality bugs the crap out of me. There seems to be no reason why duals in particular should be more than marginally more symbiotic than the other compatible relations. Also, it appears that the aforementioned emphasis encourages people to define socionic concepts such that deductions from them will verify the coziness of duality. We end up with sentences on the wiki like "as the vulnerable function of one's dual, [the demonstrative function] requires especially delicate attention." This is about as significant as something like "The role function requires especially delicate attention, being the creative function of one's beneficiary," since people probably deal with their beneficiaries as often as their duals, and the beneficiary's creative function will be an important element in interactions with said beneficiary. Additionally, I often see duality being treated as somehow crucial for one's psychological development, further inflating it's importance.

So, my question is - WHY? Why are dualistic relations treated this way? They seem like someone's romantic soapbox inserted into the system, and they cause some damage to its integrity. Can't we just rename duals "Super-Id Relations," re-examine their effects in a more reasonable fashion, and forget all this silliness?