Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
I dislike Delta Quadra's tendency to create moral pecking orders. They organize people around them as inferior or superior based on their perceived virtue (they often conflate "not being scary" with "socially approved" with virtue). If you are a polite, clean-shaven accountant who votes Hillary, you can do no wrong in their eyes - even if you've been convicted for insider trading and are a sexual predator.
I work with a girl with this exact same mentality and I just find her so self righteous and hypocritical. I have a very relaxed approach to work where I try to create a friendly and warm atmosphere where everyone feels included and from day one, she’s DESPISED me for it - she hates people who don’t follow her idea of what’s normal. I’m certain she trashes me behind my back to workmates, she passively makes snide remarks which I can only pinpoint down to bitterness... she punishes people because she doesn’t like or agree with them, not because they are a piece of shit. For instance, she treats me like shit because my approach to work is calm and I refuse to compete with her and stoop to her level by passively attacking her methods, but she’ll frigging love and befriend a horrible employee whose done far worse things than I have and not care about all the crap they’ve put others through... because there’s something about them she personally likes lol. Really disrespectful and nonsensical.