I came up with an idea about how I can do this. I read the descriptions of all the functions, and wrote out how I believe I react when I encounter information associated with these functions.

I feel comfortable with this function. I easily see the connections between events that others miss, often causing people to think I can predict the future (but really I'm just VERY good at finding clues in the present situation that hint at the most likely future), and am often lost in thinking about the past and future. I definitely find beauty in this process.

I enjoy THIS function as well. I'm very good at shifting perspectives, generating ideas, and discussing these possibilities. It can be a lot of fun. However, I don't trust it the way I trust . I respect people who use this function greatly, and think they have a lot of courage in trusting it. I may think up possibilities, but I'm not really willing to go out and just try them, without thinking about how likely they are to work. I need to plan things out a little more, gaze a little further into the future.

This is actually considered a valid function?! I cannot stand people who get in your face and act aggressive, trying to assert their dominance over you like an animal. It's terribly uncivilized, in my opinion. People like this are my worst enemies. Okay, okay, I know I'm not being objective here, and that assertiveness/willpower has its uses. I know that some of these people are probably nicer than the ones I've had the misfortune to encounter. And it probably only bothers me because I'm so helpless to deal with people who act like this. I always feel forced to concede to their will... sometimes I try to fight back if I'm in a really frustrated mood, but I always lose. The only way I can win is to withdraw. I once had to leave a forum because of someone like this (probably SLE) being made a moderator after they'd bullied me. It probably didn't help that I had been too intimidated to report his posts. I lost a whole group of friends I'd known online for years, just to escape from someone who used this function. When I encounter people like this in real life, they seem to ruin everyone's comfort and make everything tense/stressful, especially for me and a lot of other Introverts. I wish I could stand up to them, and force them to back off... but I can't.

This function is not nearly as threatening as . Sometimes I find it pleasurable, but most of the time I regard it as a distraction. If I'm in a good mood, I can pay attention to what I feel like doing, maybe I know what would feel good, I can go along with the flow, and enjoy the experience. But if I'm not in a good mood, I can feel harrassed just because someone asked me to eat. Sometimes it goes like this. "Are you hungry?" "Maybe. I'm not sure." "What do you want to eat?" "Food." "What kind of food?" "Good food." "What specific dish do you want?" "I don't know. Can't you just pick something for me?" "I don't know what you're hungry for!" "Well, then, leave me alone. I don't know either." Similar conversations may ensue when people ask me if I'm cold, or other questions about my comfort. I find it easier to select food from a menu, and easiest of all if the dishes are laid out before me, and I can actually see/smell them.

I think I'm okay at this function, but not great. I will try to use it when I think it's called for. It's important to think for yourself, to have your own ideas about how logic works. You shouldn't always just go along with something because of an external authority, or because it's practical. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. I analyze things for internal consistency, and if they have none, I'm less inclined to trust them. I think of people who use this function as wise, and fairly good people, if not perfect.

This function is really useful. I think it can be a bit cold at times, but if used properly, it can be helpful enough to others to make up for that. Organizing things, and performing tasks in an efficient manner, is a useful skill to possess. I'm not sure how good I am at it, but I don't think I'm totally incompetent when I try to use it. I feel like I don't get enough opportunities to use this function, partially because don't have the willpower to apply it consistently enough.

I alternate between wishing I was better at this, and seeing it as a pointless/shallow way of being. It seems too casual, and not sensitive enough. I can see the merit in it, I suppose, but I prefer the way of doing things. I can go along with this if I have to, but it's not my preferred mode of operating. It just seems too presumptuous and chaotic to be a valid way of doing things long-term.

Now, this is how people should be. It seems truly compassionate, caring, formal, polite, appropriate... all the things I would like people to be towards me, and the ways in which I strive to treat them. People should be allowed to express their feelings and opinions, and connect with people who are similar to them. I see no reason that people should have to have to repress their .

What do you think? Illuminating or not?