Quote Originally Posted by Jadae View Post
Chester is the only one that remotely strikes me as an ENFj

Oprah is a flamingly corrupt ENFp. I know a lot of ENFps irl (ENFp magnet, I am!) and she is the epitome of them if they were soulless whores.

some good ENFj examples:

Jake Shears (the flamingest w/ a freakishly odd beta band). Scarlett Johanson (mmmm....).

Jadae, I do not know of many ENFps that I would describe as soul-less(not that you have actually said they were), they have mostly seemed very deep and soulful when you get past the whole fluffy bunny, bubbly surface thing (with an exception here or there as one would expect of any type) ; what were your experiences? ENfps sometimes seem a bit misguided/scattered and too willing to expiriment with things/people/drugs that are not going to do much good for them long-term but they are not usually corrupt or ill-intentioned IME. Oprah does not strike me as corrupt either, possibly annoying (who isn't sometimes?) but not really corrupt, what has she done?

Anyway, I do think a lot of people here of no real idea what an ENFj looks or behaves like and that is one reason why just about everyone put up for V.I is typed ENFj by someone(this is actually getting a bit ridiculous).