Quote Originally Posted by tempral
Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean
Matt Bellamy - lead singer + guitarist of the band Muse

I think Matt Bellamy is INFp ... He looks incredibly like one. Otherwise Beta NF for sure.
His voice and lyrics (e.g. the album Absolution, one of my favs ) seem to match ENFj the best - full of alarm and panic etc. He seems pretty hyper too, if unusual - I don't think he's INFp. I did consider ENTp as a possibility before though.

Quote Originally Posted by implied
@ subterranean - why asia argento as ENFj?
She seems to revel in Beta type things IMO - I thought she had quite strong and she seems driven in a Exxj type way. She directs films and is able to express intense emotions in these films, from interviews I've read. Other than that, my typing isn't so strong for her .

I can only find four quotes by her at the moment: (I think they show her to be Beta, but I know ISFps can I sound like this).

People's attitudes about sex aren't healthy anywhere, except maybe in those tribes where they go around naked
People's attitudes about sex aren't healthy anywhere, except maybe in those tribes where they go around naked
What you might see as depravity is, to me, just another aspect of the human condition
Why did I spend all these years playing boring Europeans? I was made for action movies