Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
I dont know, i've chatted quite extensively with Ryu over AIM and i didn't get the impression that he's looking for someone who is submissive at all. In fact, he shared with me some things that make it clear he actually doesn't like it when someone is acting submissive. Also, prissy =/= submissive. Prissy on the contrary is a descriptor of snobbishness, which wouldnt' be out of character for a member of an aristocratic quadra. I admit, i can come across a bit snobby/prissy to certain people, especially if they feel inferior to me (probably for good reason).

I'm not really sure where you got the thoughts you expressed, but I dont think delta NFs represent submissiveness in the least, in fact ime we are the some of the least likely members of the socion to be ok with submissiveness (instant turn off to me). I never saw this stereotype as being a delta NF descriptor and i'm not sure where you got that association from. Instead, my stereotyping of submissiveness belongs to the "victim" types: IEI, ILI, EIE, LIE (the introverts> the extroverts). Of course my stereotype could be wrong, so please correct me, anyone, if so.
the only thing i can concede here is that maybe i'd have a different impression of ryu if i knew him as well as you do. other than that, we seem to be on completely different pages and i'm not really sure where to start.

um, as for swearing...i swear sometimes, as does almost everyone i know. i feel more comfortable in environments where i know it won't be frowned upon if i let a curse word slip.