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What I hate

1950's America

Phrases like "swell" and "gee-golly", going to the football game every friday, wearing a letter jacket, teenage fantasies of taking the blonde cheerleader to lover's lane, the proverbial science nerd with a pocket protector and comic book collections.

Don't get me wrong, I think it had its cultural relevance in the 50's but these days I think it doesn't apply in the least. High school teens are no longer innocent kids coming into suburbia from the farms.

Passion for science and poor social status don't have to be interconnected, why can't someone do science for a career and still be as smooth/sexy with women in their personal life, the only reason it's there is because it just so happened in the 1950's that people who did science also were socially inept, now it doesn't apply and I hate when people try to impose this on people -- be stupid and get chicks or be smart and a loser, no, how about be intelligent and sexy.

Second the attitudes towards sex and school are much more jaded and cynical these days than in the 50's. Women aren't little innocent school girls in sweaters, they are nihilistic self-absorbed narcissistic whores who fuck and suck their way up the social ladder in the school system, sexuality is a key to popularity and not a rite of passage. No problems with sexuality here, just the fact that americans would like to think that we are still living in the 50's and teens are innocent youths exploring sexuality in some magnificently beautiful coming of age.... when in reality sally is giving handjobs to the line backer because she wants to get voted for class president. Why can't social status and sexuality be separate?

Finally sporting events; ideally people should play sports for the love of the game, not because its some sacred ritual. Football, football, football, it's fine if you like football; but if you don't somehow you are less american. Who cares, sports are sports, play it for the love of the game.

Bottomline 1950's culture applied for a short time in 1950's when america became modernized, overthrew ******, came out of the farms and into the surburbs and built towns with a mainstreet with parades through them, but nowdays any cultural echoes of this area don't apply because americans aren't that innocent and naive anymore, and any attempts to replicate it just shits on society. Besides 1950's culture was categorized by naiveity, the dawn of modernisation, people could only see the joys of the modern world and not the pitfalls. It was soo great to have a lawn with green grass, not that everything looked plastic and mass produced.

Material, Consumerist, Suburbanites

The inevitable result of the modernisation of america. A culture which spirits is sustained by consumerism and not anything truely profound/meaningful/deep. Relationships and society is focused on material rewards. Women want daddy to buy them a car, a boyfriend to treat them like a princess, a husband to buy them a huge ass SUV they can drive around with 5000 GPS's and get fixed up at the nail salon by a bunch of asain chicks.

Children are bitchy, vile, and unmotivated because they are raised by parents that give them material rewards for their success. Divorce rates are high because people marry before any real psychological compatibility exists. Middle aged parents go back to school. Assumptions like all kids go to college rule supreme. Obesity prevails. And its all tied by the common thread of materialism/consumerism/suburbanites.

Things like sending kids to college is largely materially motivated with roots back to when parents paid kids for good grades. Helicopter parents are more common and the nihilistic youth is more interested in sex/drugs/escape than in their education or work. Largely they will deliver a unenthused "I'm doing it for the money" answer when asked why they are in a particular major.

This is constantly driving postmodernism forward which has its potential pitfalls, but is a desparate reaction to the ultimate failure of the "dream" that was born in 1950's of a modern america. People need to let go of the materialist, consumerist, modern america and embrace change and build a better future for a cynical/jaded youth.

Redblooded Militant Rednecks

This one is nothing new, I just hate the idea of these people. The proverbial "AH-MERH-ICAH FUCK YEA" type. I mean you'll see below I mention individualism as a good thing, and I like individualism in american society, but this is individualisms dark and somewhat retarded twin.

They constantly believe that someone they will be called to fight, or as they like to put it "kick some ass" in some way. Maybe its the socialist government coming to impose laws on them, maybe its ******s coming to rape their wife, maybe its aliens from mars, or maybe its just a girl scout asking them for cookies (which they somehow are capable of linking this to socialism/obama/elites). But they constantly believe they will need to kick some ass.

Further they believe that when they kill all these government goons, ******s, aliens, or girl scouts people will reward and praise them for being a "badass" and "tough", when in reality they haven't thought about how dark it is to actually kill someone.

They look at themselves as protectors of honest hardworking red blooded americans, but really they are just naive little boys who have no concept of conflict/fighting beyond what they see in movies, or they are aggressors who bully people rather than protect them.

Which is what annoys me, real fighting isn't some play ground game, its extremely morally ambiguous and most often a result of tradegic circumstances, rather than the way things ideally should go. Ideally there should be peace and love, and the fact these type over-focus on conflict shows they are empty in their lifes and hold onto heroic fantasys to fill that void, and that is precisely what makes them anything but heros, its a false self and not the true self. It's tough guy narcissism and its common in america.

Politically Correct Activists

Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and now the 30 yr old career women down the street along with anyone else who can get a few markers and some posterboard to make a sign. Everyone is convinced that simply by holding up a sign with some words on it and shouting belligerently they will single handly shake the earth into supreme truth and justice, not by force of arms, but by an extremely loud megaphone.

Nothing wrong with non-violence, ghandi and martin luther king did something new by affecting policy through civil disobiendance and protest... but now everyone uses this as recipe for change, when in reality it changes nothing. Further the human rights movements has spawned all sorts of hideous politically correct rules that when not followed explicit result in social faux pas.

This creates a great divide between the violent redblooded americans and these people over the nature of issues such as racial and gender equality. People see the balant ridiculousness of these politically correct rules and revert back to ancient bigotted believes. It actually becomes counter productive.

They also have a penchant for oversensitivity.... is it possible people say "fireman" just because thats what they are used to hearing and not because they hate women. Do they even bother asking why you say "fireman" instead of "firepersons". Do they really think changing a word is going to create better relationships between men and women in society? Who knows.... what is certain is that its best to never get into a debate with these types, someone long ago planted the seed of self-righteousness deep below the surface of their conscious.

What I like

To be continued.... I'll let the negative boil over before I get to the positive and maybe edit the above for some shitty grammar

High minded Intellectual Debate/Speech



Innovation/Pioneering Spirit