Quote Originally Posted by maizemedley
Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
If socionics doesn't even give us a glue of what we will be good/bad at, then socionics means absolutely nothing.
Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
Even before I know about socionics I wanted to know if I'm more of an introvert or extrovert, do I have a talent with numbers or written text, am I creative or do I have more of a step-by step approach. The mind deceives. The mind tells us what we want to hear
Awww, I find this so endearing. I also see that the Ne/Fi's don't relate to that much. Their internal compass doesn't seem to deceive them, on the contrary, from what I understand, it's very much what guides them. Whereas with Kristina, I get a feeling that she trusts "external signs" more than she trusts herself. I've seen this in TiSe a lot and I figure it might have something to do with their hidden agenda to believe. maybe, possibly, or it might be connected to something else altogether. Doh, sorry, I'm not questioning your type, just making an observation.
haha... I like your post.
With socionics, I learned not to trust myself. I'm actually unsure of my type because I see the possibility of myself being a SF. Whatever I think of myself is irrelevant. External signs might be somewhat less biased. For a long time I thought I would make a great librarian. Now I see that I need to discuss almost everything to compare facts and because discussing things is something I NEED to do on a daily basis. The more I analyze myself the more I learn and I think it will help me prevent mistakes I might make choosing a future career.