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Thread: Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war

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  1. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    With few exceptions, the real driving force behind most opinions on the matter has little to do with legitimate moral/ethical quandaries, and everything to do with self-indulgent political sensationalism rooted in hatred for Bush/Republicans/etc.
    I think that's a jaded and inaccurate sentiment that characterizes a bitter republican party after taking criticism for 8 years.

    I don't remember hearing republicans make such a fuss over this when Bush was in office because they lacked the balls to stand up for what they thought admist the growing public opinion against the war, now they feel resentful and want to lash out against the democrats for there hypocrisy and seek petty revenge because now they hold the growing support admist economic issues. I can understand that, but it accomplishes nothing and seems childish.

    Not you, but this idea that somehow the only legitimate criticism against the war was political sensationalism. I don't doubt that the vast majority of people against/for the war were on the "social bandwagon" but point is what sparked the anti-war movement was essentially a legitimate moral/ethical question that republicans want to ignore in favor of anti-obama/democratic propaganda, it would serve the interest of the republicans better if they actually sincerely and legitimately made a case for why this is a good/necessary thing rather than blame the political opposition as if that alone justifies things.

    While I do agree there were a lot of people who jumped on the anti-bush bandwagon and didn't real have the capacity to make any moral/ethical judgments themselves, that doesn't mean that I don't think its pathetic how republicans are handling it, when they have the support they speak out and get brave, but when they are not holding the public support they cave in so pathetically and start acting politically correct to win votes just like a typical run of the mill politician.

    I think I would legitimately respect the current republican movement more if it didn't seem like they want to obama-bash purely as retribution for being bush-bashed for 8 years, when they could have stood up for what they thought then and not now.
    Last edited by male; 02-16-2011 at 09:13 AM.

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