I know I've started countless type threads but only recently have I came to understand Socionics better. I feel like the many threads I've started on the the subject are pointless because I didn't understand anything and was basing my type off MBTI. I was tossing around the idea of starting a new thread in hopes that the people here who have been here since the beginning (and the new ones too..although you might not know me well)could give their input.

Basically, the two types i've been considering are LSI and ESI. I've already settled on LSI as of late but have been wondering if ESI is possible and wanted to get others opinions. I'm not looking for attention, sorry if i've started so many threads on the same subject but i think this could be the last one since i understand it better. That's what i'm hoping, at least. What does everyone think about ESI vs LSI? Or another type?