Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
Humor us, not that it'll really matter in the long run.
How am I aggressive...

In any kind of competition, getting to something first... in sports, relying on my speed... taking action, in multiplayer strategy games, directing others what to do.

Acting impulsively... going first in things. Not having any fear of taking charge. In my public speaking class, volunteering to go first, when nobody else wanted to make the first move, out of fear.

Belligerence, a bit of rebelliousness, etc. Hmm. Understanding the nuances of what motivates others, and positively motivating them, or tearing into them if mad (which I try to avoid)...

I'll give you an example of what I think is clear Se, easy willingness to change my environment:

In college, there's a ping-pong table set up in the cafe/student lounge area. Being my normal competitive self, I'd take turns with others playing there for hours between classes.

I liked to play a defensive style. Putting lots of backspin on the ball, if you know table tennis, as well as sidespin, making other people mess up, hit the ball into the net or miss the table. Aiming the ball to put it where the other person hates hitting it, making them move to my control, etc.

Anyway, I play several feet off the table in a defensive style, so I can return other people's smashes. I need room to play.

One time, in the middle of the afternoon, when it was pretty crowded, this one guy was standing on my side of the table, talking with friends. He was getting in my way of returning shots, so I politely and briefly asked him if he could move. He says "sure", but then keeps talking.

A minute passes. My opponent scores another point for hitting on the side where this guy is standing, which I'm unable to get to without literally running into this guy talking there. I more curtly and strongly ask him again if he could please move. He moves like a couple feet, but is still in the way.

A minute or so passes again. Opponent scores another easy point, which was unfair, when I should easily be beating my opponent. I'm tired of asking this guy not to move out of the way, and since he isn't moving (asking isn't working), I move him myself without even thinking. I push him to the side, nonchalantly, then go back to my game of ping-pong like nothing ever happened. As if he were an object, I hadn't even considered his feelings or anything.

Needless to say, he gets pissed. Doesn't start a fight or anything, but just verbally fights/argues. Tell me not to touch him, etc.

I later thought about it, felt like a bad person and all, and apologized. We were cool afterward and all, but.

I tend to change my environment easily and without noticing. Or be confrontational and 'in-the-moment' very often. I pay attention to spacing, noticing movement in my environment easily, noticing how people react, getting in all the details in my environment pretty easily.

This is just one example, of course, in which I display strong Se. Lots of reasons I self-type as ESTp, not to name them all here.

In general, I tend to be very upbeat and positive, and I agree with the Merry Extrovert typing in general. But I just seem to ignore people's feelings and all that jazz, what effect I have on them, and I really doubt that I'm any kind of Feeler. But who knows.