Quote Originally Posted by Expat
Pompey the Great, Roman warlord

Indeed, totally. Even his relationship with Julius Caesar is similar to the relationship I have experienced with ESTps - antagonism in public, but deep-seated admiration (from their side).

Caligula, Emperor of Rome 14-37 (but I still think ENTp is also possible)

My guess, if not ESTp, would be ESFp. After all, ESFps with their lack of Ti can indeed have idiotic ideas.

To every ESFp apologizer: I said CAN HAVE, not actually HAS.

Caracalla, Emperor of Rome 211-217

He even looks like an ESTp I know. Spot on IMHO.

Another interesting thing: Let's compare Lenin and Warren Beatty. Here you have the two extremes of ESTps - the "conquerer" version, and the "conman" version. I personally get along well with those two extreme versions, not so well with everything in between.