Quote Originally Posted by Ryene Astraelis View Post
You aren't (diverting too much). It's not a blatant typing thread, but I am weighing the information against my typing. The main issue is that I can be and have been forceful at times, and I made a habit of it in high school. I was even somewhat bullying about it. I'm also very possessive and territorial, and I enjoy having influence over others. Most of this can be attributed to upbringing/environment, but it still doesn't fit any EII descriptions I have heard. Sooooo, I'm looking to see if I'm focusing too much on EII stereotypes - kind of like INFP stereotypes. Have you seen those? Ugh. Airy, floofy, too good for this earth, and all that.
i don't think the ability to be forceful really rules out Se polr, partly because forceful can mean things like yelling when you're angry (which i think everyone has done at one point or another), and partly because it seems like something everybody has to do at one point or another in life (like to avoid being a pushover if you have kids, for example). i guess really wanting to be forceful, or being really focused on territory and influencing others, is something i would consider a valid thing to question in terms of an EII typing, but i'm not sure. it's hard for me to look at this without relating it to myself (i can be territorial and possessive, which has played out in different ways in different contexts, but not in the same way i would expect it to play out for an Se type - i would give examples for context, but i don't want to make this into being about me).

i do think that the importance of upbringing/environment is a really big deal when it comes to how people of the same type will express the same functions in a different way. i guess the question is whether being possessive and territorial and liking to have influence over others is incompatible with EII functions (Se polr most specifically) or not.

the thing that sticks with me is that since i haven't seen anything from you that has made you seem like a "territorial" or "forceful" person or whatever (not that i'm questioning that its true, i just barely know you )- i was wondering if you could talk about examples of this or what it's like for you.