Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
I agree completely.
Warrior, what the heck are you writing. Do you even know or comprehend what you're saying here? Se doesn't mean that the person will tell you to do things like that. Please don't write things like this; it has no meaning, is inaccurate, and highly irrelevant to type. It makes a type, in this case Se, seem distinctly different from others because you put them in a box which suggests they are exactly as you wrote, which isn't true. Anyone of any type can say those things to you; that is not related to Se.

We have pointed out countless times what Se is; you may start by reading Carl Jung's work.
Do you still think I'm a SEE, Maritsa?

Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
I guess Se-types just need a hierarchy? .
I think that would apply mostly to Se+Ti and not Se+Fi

Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
And you're emphatically a douche. Screw you.

I remember from the other thread, like a month ago, I think you had called me obnoxious (if I remember correctly that it was you, I do remember it was from an ENTj). I'm glad you think I'm here for your entertainment.

FDG= troll. Commenting only on my comment to the original topic? Even if labcoat's "seconded" is in reference to your comment about my being embarrassing, at least he contributed to the thread afterwards.

Troll me more, bro.
Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
No, you're invading the forum with your idiotic presence, that's why I'm forced to fly off topic. Calling everyone troll is a childish tactic.
I think I'm ready to take another hiatus from the forum.