Quote Originally Posted by warrior-librarian View Post
I'd rather calmly reason with the other person.

Quote Originally Posted by laghlagh View Post
umm...dude, i was confident before. i just didn't feel the need to be all belligerent about it. lol, god.
If you aren't willing to get into a fight for something, you're not confident.

And yelling is normal. I would generally agree with the OP's observations: I have been called aggressive many times before, and get into fights, think punishments are not only tolerable but necessary, get defiant whenever someone tells me what to do, even if it's something little (cause you can't let them tell you to do something small, cause next time it'll be something bigger, and bigger, till they're telling you every little freaking thing: don't give them any control or power. Make a stand from the start.), and I've been told that I see the world as black and white. Guess that falls under the 'my way or the highway' observation.

I'd also agree with warrior-librarian's observation, that we expect Se-communication from other people. Sometimes, kind of like challenging authority, I'll do something I know I'm 'not supposed to do', just to see if the other person will stand up and try to stop me. If they don't say anything, or let it pass by, then I can do it. And they're too much of a coward to do anything about it. I guess it's kind of like bullying. But if the other person just says something, and stands up, then I respect that. And won't mess again... until maybe a couple months later, if I need to test them again.

I notice I do tend to compete and be aggressive... except if I'm overwhelming my 'opponent', so to speak. With IEIs... they're just so nice, dare I say passive, that I realize I'm clearly in control, there's nothing to compete against. They're of no threat to me. So I don't need to challenge them at all. I can be nice and respectful to other types too.

I don't mess with others higher than me who have clear authority and control, and I expect others lower than me not to mess with me either. I guess Se-types just need a hierarchy? If I may be creative , you could compare us to the young cub, always challenging the head lion to someday become leader of the pack themselves.

If you're not willing to stand up for yourself, or take control for anything, more often than not, I'll just view you as a pawn in someone else's game.