That is, if I'm understanding Aristocracy right...

So I have asked a lot of questions on these forums, asked for help typing people, and such. I have also done my share of trying to answer other people's inquiries as I've felt comfortable doing so. I just realized something earlier today that I ddin't realize I was doing before because it happened so automatically.

On these forums, I am always more likely to listen and take heed (when discussing Socionics) to those who have been on these forums the longest. Like, someone whose join date is October of 2008 will-- in my mind-- be more likely to know what they're talking about, than someone who just joined in October of 2010. Later I may find that the first person I listened to was wrong, and then I might go back and look more at what the next person said, but even if the "oldest" person turns out to be wrong, I am still likely to "try on" what they have to say first.

Even when I respond to answer other people's Socionics questions-- and I try to be as sure and confident as I can be-- I still expect that the person who asked the question will probably take the word of someone who has been around longer than I have before they listen to me. And btw, because of this, when someone does find my answers or analyses useful, despite my newbness, I get an unexpected ego boost.