My apologies if this topic has been covered...seems as if it would, but I don't see it. I'm not much of a Star Trek watcher myself. But it seems that some of the characters are meant to symbolize distinct human traits.

In particular, the character of Data seems interesting. Apart from the portrayal of him as a non-human character, he seems to typify certain tendencies in some individuals.

From what little I've seen of the show, it seems that he represents the sort of person whose mind is completely on intellectual things. Despite the non-human, data-based aspect, it seems that he really doesn't exhibit strong or , so I would guess an INT type. The question is INTp or INTj. My first guess would be , except that he doesn't fit the Robespierre image of what an INTj would be like at all. Robespierre was a very strong kind of personality who pushed his way forward and killed those who didn't agree with him. Data wouldn't hurt a fly and seems not to have any agenda; he sort of goes with the flow. Does that mean he's dominant ? Any thoughts?