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Thread: Hugo Leasing: Help!! what is my type?

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  1. #1
    Let me help you. HugoLeasing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by April View Post
    Hi, HugoLeasing. I'm here to help. First, tell me, what is your type?

    (Am I doing this right?)
    Hi April

    Thank you and yes that's fine

    I really wanted to do a long self absorbed rambling text, however even I am not so pretentious to do so in the face of such a straighforward question.


  2. #2
    star stuff April's Avatar
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    HugoLeasing, I am requesting a long and rambling text if you wish to create one.

    I remember thinking you were a trolley IEE.

  3. #3
    Let me help you. HugoLeasing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by April View Post
    HugoLeasing, I am requesting a long and rambling text if you wish to create one.

    I remember thinking you were a trolley IEE.
    Thank you.

    Hmmm well yes... Where to start.

    Hugo Leasing is one of many aliases I use to play and experiment. Through Hugo I have found out mabny different things about people. Hugo was created as I used to be a semi-ironic-quietly-serious spiritual leader, it got to the point where I created so much hype that people used to call me Guru and would attend my services and would recruit people on my behalf.

    I lost focus, became easily swayed by the expectations of the followers (it was basically a communal umbrella for individual sprituality) so anyway, it got a bit much so I started talkin about Hugo, setting up Facebook pages and e-mail addresses web sites etc..

    It was useful as it meant that I could use Hugo as a mask to contact different groups, I used him to try to convert a number of Scientologists to my Religion by offereing them Maximum Spiritual Enlightenment at a sensible price - This was not entirely succesful and although we had gained a moderate amount of international and local success I left the collective after a spiritual disagreement with Hugo. Some people thought he was real others had questions, but even those who new he was fabricated took sides in the schizm.

    Since then Hugo has ticked over and has got involved in this that and the other.

    To me he's part of me that I'd like to be more, however really he's just too silly. The thing is by seeing how people treact not just to Hugo but his goals and ideals allows me an insight into them that perhaps I would not have had otherwise. Where I am, some people still profess to following organised religions, however most don't and wghilst people are happy to talk about sport or careers or consumerism, personal spirituality is generally treated as a wholly private afair. Hugo through his flawed innocence seemed to appeal to those who have a spiritual existence experiences, yet don't have the opportunity to share this through attending led organised religious services or are normally put off by the new age type religious movements.

    Anyhoo - That's Hugo. I'm me, Hugo is part of me and I'm part of something that goes beyond all this.

    You have helped greatly. Thank You

  4. #4


    Hi, HugoLeasing. I'm here to state the obvious. You need to see a doctor.



    On a serious note,why do you need a stupid type? I mean you were a freakin' cult leader and it was going pretty well before you dumped it.
    Anyway,seems that you have your alter ego under control.
    make sure you don't end up in a slim shady vs eminem kind of situation.

    "Hugo Leasing is one of many aliases I use to play and experiment. Through Hugo I have found out mabny different things about people."

    this is interesting.a male ILE i know said almost the same once. He said that what he always does when he meets a person for the first time is trying to make as many assumptions as possible about his life and character based on his looks,the way he/she dresses,movements etc.Also,he said that he does not mind at all being wrong because he learns from his mistakes and he will be able to draw more accurate conclusions about someone next time.It is a kind of overwhelming/intimidating thing to hear from a person you admire (well he is an internet connaisance) but it is funny how i can do the same.
    However,i think that when a Fi base does this there is a tone of reading between the lines.Plus,i do mind drawing wrong conclusions when it comes to stuff like that.

    Actually,I am skeptical about how an IEE can hold on to a trolly situation like that for so long without losing the drive relatively fast.However i can see how this can be calssified as delta trolling.You stick to the concept,are steady,do not derail,monotone(delta style) -and,hey,you bring tongue-in-cheek-ish spirituality in the game.this could be delta NF trolling.very interesting i might say.i think this is what maritsa does ,too,actually.

  5. #5
    Angel of Lightning Brilliand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timewaster View Post
    Suddenly I realized that this would be more effective if placed in a second post, posted immediately after the kidding. The massive blank space looks a bit odd.


    "Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet is NOTHING like Shakespeare!"
    - Blair Houghton


  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Brilliand View Post
    Suddenly I realized that this would be more effective if placed in a second post, posted immediately after the kidding. The massive blank space looks a bit odd.
    no! that means that he would be in severe agony while reading the whole post don't you have a heart or what

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