In descending order:

  1. IEIs live in lala land and regard people who expect them to live up to voluntarily accepted deadlines as being too demanding.

  2. EIEs are high energy and good at being on time, but they're also the kind of person who says "I'll call you tomorrow and we can hang out" and then never calls you. Both IEIs and EIEs are prone to suddenly vanishing during AIM conversations, which is okay every now and then, but not on such a consistent basis.

  3. SLEs are only on time when it comes to business or sex. In all other matters they are often liable to show up whenever they feel like it, offering either no excuse because they don't care or giving an irritated "Fuck off" kind of thing. This is the most acceptable kind of flakiness, because at least it is direct and quantifiable.

  4. LSIs are punctuality personified anthropomorphically. I am virtually never late for anything. Only on a few extremely rare occasions have I been late for work, for school, or for any other appointments. If I say I will call you, I call you. If I say I'll give you a ride somewhere at a certain time, then I will most likely be there ten minutes early to pick you up. Other LSIs I have known have shared these same characteristics.

Conclusion: LSIs are the only Betas you can trust. The only sane ones. The only ones who consistently adhere to basic courtesy and conscientiousness.


I am part serious and part trolling, so don't take everything I said literally; it's lighthearted.