
My brother is my Conflictor, in Socionics terms. Thing is, he and I have never conflicted over anything. If anything, our relationship has typically been one of mild interest in each other (because we're siblings), where we can appreciate each others' differing abilities, but should one have to spend more than ten or so minutes listening to the other talk, we would drive each other to weariness and boredom.

I'm imagining myself living alone in a house with my brother...He and I would lead two such completely different lives, we'd probably never see each other. And when we did, our interaction would be very formal and disinterested, rarely going beyond necessary communication. But, on the other hand, we'd probably never really argue with each other, either...we just wouldn't care enough to bother.

"Conflictor" just seems, in this case at least, to be a misnomer. Though, I can't say I really have a good idea for a better name. Will have to give it some thought...