Quote Originally Posted by Song View Post
The story, beginning to present:

Person A and Person B have find each other attractive and have been on a few dates. Person A really likes Person B, but can't be sure how Person B feels bc Person B is sending mixed signals: saying outright that he/she likes Person A, then making him/herself scarce. One day Person A contacts Person B, who does not respond... a week later, Person A confronts Person B for clarification: Person A wants to know whether Person B likes him/her or not. Person A tells Person B that he/she likes him/her, but if the feelings are not mutual then he/she just wants to know so he/she can move on; Person A is tired of what he/she perceives as Person B's games. Person B seems to take this as proof of Person A's genuine feelings and, finally, opens up to Person A in a way he/she hadn't before... they're now a very happy, albeit new, couple

Interesting typings here... it's cool to see all the interpretations.

Person A is ESI, and Person B is XLI. That is, I had typed her ILI, but SLI *is* still a possibility for her type. I would think that an SLI wouldn't react so well to Person A's directness, so that seems to be another point for ILI, but I could be wrong about that....
So essentially I was right. This is a typical thing between rationals and irrationals.