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Thread: I recently witnessed something

  1. #1

    Default I recently witnessed something...

    I recently witnessed something like this between two people whose types I'm pretty sure of, and I'm wondering how well this scenario, presented without types indicated, demonstrates socionics at work. What would you say is at play here, in terms of socionics?

    EDIT: This is bt two women, which is interesting imo bc it removes gender roles as a factor. I've used "he/she" etc so you can imagine A and B as whatever you want... it doesn't make a difference in typing, imo.

    Person A and Person B have find each other attractive and have been on a few dates. Person A really likes Person B, but can't be sure how Person B feels bc Person B is sending mixed signals: saying outright that he/she likes Person A, then making him/herself scarce. One day Person A contacts Person B, who does not respond... a week later, Person A confronts Person B for clarification: Person A wants to know whether Person B likes him/her or not. Person A tells Person B that he/she likes him/her, but if the feelings are not mutual then he/she just wants to know so he/she can move on; Person A is tired of what he/she perceives as Person B's games.

    What would be really interesting [and probably the result of coincidence more than anything ] is if you can type them correctly from this little narrative.
    Last edited by female; 01-18-2011 at 10:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    B=Gamma or Beta

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  3. #3
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    You didn't finish the story... So, what did person B say to that?
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    B=Gamma or Beta
    Oh sorry, I should have said -- this is between two women... which I thought made it especially interesting since gender roles are removed as a factor.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    You didn't finish the story... So, what did person B say to that?
    [I know; I will later, but I wanted to see if the beginning alone would be revealing... if I tell what B said/what happened in the end then it kinda gives it away, I think :wink:]

  6. #6
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Song View Post
    Oh sorry, I should have said -- this is between two women... which I thought made it especially interesting since gender roles are removed as a factor.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Way to be judgmental and revolting yourself. These are two good friends of mine, so if you have something bitchy to say, don't; keep your mouth shut.

  8. #8
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    ok well it sounds a lot like IEE and SLI except per my understanding is it would happen in a less "declared" way and more "assumed/suspected" interest. In other words, IEE and SLI wouldn't be actually SAYING "I like you" or asking "do you like me?" to each other. Maybe i'm wrong. Maybe past a certain point they would.

    So, perhaps ILE and SLI? Or altogether alpha?

    (I get the sense that beta (and maybe gamma) would be more "mysterious" about things for some reason, I could be wrong).
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  9. #9


    Very vaguely sounds like either a conflict of romance styles between Person A being Judicious and B being Decisive (and particularly a Victim) or some sort of weird Aggressor/Victim game.

    Person B is very probably a Victim, but I could buy her being a Infantile, if only out of ignorance and lack of any clearer or better understanding on my part.

  10. #10
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    A sounds merry, decisive, and rational. Maybe LSI.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Song View Post
    Person A and Person B have find each other attractive...
    Not socionics related, people do this

    Quote Originally Posted by Song View Post
    ...and have been on a few dates.
    that's typically the next step when two people find each other attractive

    ...that or a one night stand... or maybe possibly even shameful masturbation involving feelings about how pathetic you are.

    Quote Originally Posted by Song View Post
    Person A really likes Person B, but can't be sure how Person B feels bc Person B is sending mixed signals:
    Once again this happens, nothing insanely new here

    Quote Originally Posted by Song View Post
    saying outright that he/she likes Person A, then making him/herself scarce.
    What is making yourself scarce?

    Quote Originally Posted by Song View Post
    One day Person A contacts Person B, who does not respond...
    Once again, it happens

    Quote Originally Posted by Song View Post
    a week later, Person A confronts Person B for clarification: Person A wants to know whether Person B likes him/her or not.
    because person B thinks actions speak louder than words, and expects more commitment from person A.

    Quote Originally Posted by Song View Post
    Person A tells Person B that he/she likes him/her, but if the feelings are not mutual then he/she just wants to know so he/she can move on;
    pretty basic stuff, doesn't want to play games, wants to get serious

    Quote Originally Posted by Song View Post
    Person A is tired of what he/she perceives as Person B's games.
    Yea but did person A ever consider that person B may have just been busy... it does happen to people. Part of relationships is seeing your partner's side of things, and not just your own.

    Quote Originally Posted by Song View Post
    What would be really interesting [and probably the result of coincidence more than anything ] is if you can type them correctly from this little narrative.
    I personally think, ala, my own feelings on the matter.... that person B is a little too clingy. They want immediate reciprocation, feels like no contact in a week during the starting phases of a relationship is a sign of disliking you. Person B probably has a huge need for commitment in a relationship. Person B should probably consider some alternative ideas, like maybe Person A is just busy with other things, and enjoys their time but is pre-occupied. Or perhaps Person A doesn't know how they feel exactly about the person yet and needs time to themselves to know how they feel before they get serious and committed. Or perhaps Person A is nervous and bit perfectionistic, preferring to take things slow so as not to ruin a so far pleasant relationship. Really it could be anything. Part of relationships is compromise, no one is going to come pre package as a perfect ken or barbie... that fulfills all your expectations, it takes communication and understanding. It sounds like person B is jumping the gun on judgments. Probably tired of wasting time finding the right person.

    Person B probably enthusiastically jumps into relationships fully committed and serious and likes to see where they end up. They probably have been in a lot of relationships because of this attitude, and many of them failed, and they are tired of wasting the time going through the motions again. To them it probably feels really great to be in a new relationship and they start with a robust unparallel enthusiasm at the start, but they start freaking out at the signs it may not be, hyperactively responding to the littlest signals as signs that things may be going down the same road as other failed relationships.

    In my mind, Person B needs to learn to relax and rediscover the joy of just being present in a relationship and enjoying it for what it is, rather than hyperactively go about it like a hunt or business transaction. Person A needs to listen and understand person B, and possibly learn to be more committed and spend more time with Person A and reciprocate communication. If Person A is unable to do this, then likely Person B should realize this and look for someone who shares this feature, and leave the relationships in a positive way - the reality is Person A is better off with someone else if Person B requires this level of commitment they are unable to give.

    My guess is person B
    Gamma NT or Beta ST, or potentially any extroverted type

    person A
    Si valuing, or potentially any introverted type (except Fi introvert)

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post

    I personally think, ala, my own feelings on the matter.... that person B is a little too clingy. They want immediate reciprocation, feels like no contact in a week during the starting phases of a relationship is a sign of disliking you. Person B probably has a huge need for commitment in a relationship. Person B should probably consider some alternative ideas, like maybe Person A is just busy with other things, and enjoys their time but is pre-occupied. Or perhaps Person A doesn't know how they feel exactly about the person yet and needs time to themselves to know how they feel before they get serious and committed. Or perhaps Person A is nervous and bit perfectionistic, preferring to take things slow so as not to ruin a so far pleasant relationship. Really it could be anything. Part of relationships is compromise, no one is going to come pre package as a perfect ken or barbie... that fulfills all your expectations, it takes communication and understanding. It sounds like person B is jumping the gun on judgments. Probably tired of wasting time finding the right person.

    Person B probably enthusiastically jumps into relationships fully committed and serious and likes to see where they end up. They probably have been in a lot of relationships because of this attitude, and many of them failed, and they are tired of wasting the time going through the motions again. To them it probably feels really great to be in a new relationship and they start with a robust unparallel enthusiasm at the start, but they start freaking out at the signs it may not be, hyperactively responding to the littlest signals as signs that things may be going down the same road as other failed relationships.

    In my mind, Person B needs to learn to relax and rediscover the joy of just being present in a relationship and enjoying it for what it is, rather than hyperactively go about it like a hunt or business transaction. Person A needs to listen and understand person B, and possibly learn to be more committed and spend more time with Person A and reciprocate communication. If Person A is unable to do this, then likely Person B should realize this and look for someone who shares this feature.

    My guess is person B
    Gamma NT or Beta ST, or potentially any extroverted type

    person A
    Si valuing, or potentially any introverted type (except Fi introvert)
    Um... I think you have Persons A and B mixed up....

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Song View Post
    Um... I think you have Persons A and B mixed up....
    Yes I do, now that that has been clarified....

  14. #14

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    Sounds like super-ego relations

  15. #15
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    It's not much to go on at all, but basically I would guess that A is rational and B is irrational. Like A could be ESE and B could be ILE or something.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanks Arthur View Post
    Very vaguely sounds like either a conflict of romance styles between Person A being Judicious and B being Decisive (and particularly a Victim) or some sort of weird Aggressor/Victim game.

    Person B is very probably a Victim, but I could buy her being a Infantile, if only out of ignorance and lack of any clearer or better understanding on my part.
    Yeah, this could be true if B just wants A to prove that she really "wants" B.

  17. #17
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Ok now tell us the rest of the story....
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  18. #18
    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    Person A : IEE, ESE
    Person B : SLI
    Looking for an Archnemesis. Willing applicants contact via PM.

    ENFp - Fi 7w6 sp/sx
    The Ineffable IEI
    The Einstein ENTp

    johari nohari

  19. #19
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ssmall View Post
    Person A : IEE, ESE
    Person B : SLI
    Hey at least SOMEONE sort of agrees with me!

    That's definitely SLI sort of behavior in person B. Not sure about person A being IEE though. Possible I guess.
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

  20. #20
    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    Hey at least SOMEONE sort of agrees with me!

    That's definitely SLI sort of behavior in person B. Not sure about person A being IEE though. Possible I guess.
    Well I personally wouldnt do the confronting part at least, but it happened only after a week after all and it was quite open and to the point as far as ive read into it. But yeh, person A can be more or less anyone, person B is probably SLI.
    Looking for an Archnemesis. Willing applicants contact via PM.

    ENFp - Fi 7w6 sp/sx
    The Ineffable IEI
    The Einstein ENTp

    johari nohari

  21. #21


    The story, beginning to present:

    Person A and Person B have find each other attractive and have been on a few dates. Person A really likes Person B, but can't be sure how Person B feels bc Person B is sending mixed signals: saying outright that he/she likes Person A, then making him/herself scarce. One day Person A contacts Person B, who does not respond... a week later, Person A confronts Person B for clarification: Person A wants to know whether Person B likes him/her or not. Person A tells Person B that he/she likes him/her, but if the feelings are not mutual then he/she just wants to know so he/she can move on; Person A is tired of what he/she perceives as Person B's games. Person B seems to take this as proof of Person A's genuine feelings and, finally, opens up to Person A in a way he/she hadn't before... they're now a very happy, albeit new, couple

    Interesting typings here... it's cool to see all the interpretations.

    Person A is ESI, and Person B is XLI. That is, I had typed her ILI, but SLI *is* still a possibility for her type. I would think that an SLI wouldn't react so well to Person A's directness, so that seems to be another point for ILI, but I could be wrong about that....

  22. #22
    ILE - ENTp 1981slater's Avatar
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    Default x

    Person B is banging persons A,C,D,E
    ILE "Searcher"
    Socionics: ENTp
    DCNH: Dominant --> perhaps Normalizing
    Enneagram: 7w6 "Enthusiast"
    MBTI: ENTJ "Field Marshall" or ENTP "Inventor"
    Astrological sign: Aquarius

    To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach.

  23. #23
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    I was guessing ILI (fits best out of the Victims, though SLI suggestion might have some merit) for B, but wouldn't have expected ESI for A, sooner an extrovert or possibly LSI (not that I understand ESIs or anything).

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Song View Post
    The story, beginning to present:

    Person A and Person B have find each other attractive and have been on a few dates. Person A really likes Person B, but can't be sure how Person B feels bc Person B is sending mixed signals: saying outright that he/she likes Person A, then making him/herself scarce. One day Person A contacts Person B, who does not respond... a week later, Person A confronts Person B for clarification: Person A wants to know whether Person B likes him/her or not. Person A tells Person B that he/she likes him/her, but if the feelings are not mutual then he/she just wants to know so he/she can move on; Person A is tired of what he/she perceives as Person B's games. Person B seems to take this as proof of Person A's genuine feelings and, finally, opens up to Person A in a way he/she hadn't before... they're now a very happy, albeit new, couple

    Interesting typings here... it's cool to see all the interpretations.

    Person A is ESI, and Person B is XLI. That is, I had typed her ILI, but SLI *is* still a possibility for her type. I would think that an SLI wouldn't react so well to Person A's directness, so that seems to be another point for ILI, but I could be wrong about that....
    So essentially I was right. This is a typical thing between rationals and irrationals.

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