Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post

Fe: Internal Object Dynamics
Fe is a perception of objective personal states of things. What I mean by that is that the feelings/whatever perceived by Fe valuers are viewed in the same light as objects, in that they are readily observable from any perspective. Fe information is one that is able to be separated from its original source and is able to exist in several different sources at once. By themselves, these objectivites have no inherent meaning, as they are simply content without context; the meaning must come from some sort of implied outside framework that allows for the subjectivity to exist (this part is more of a conjecture than actual observation, but I feel like something to this effect must be the case).

Fi: Internal Field Statics
The information perceived by Fi is that of a web of personal subjectivities. This basically means that the subjective/emotional/whatever information perceived by Fi can only make sense to the host of the feelings. As such, these feelings are unable to be separated from the original source, as any attempts to do so would completely ruin the continuity between the subjectivities. The only way for these feelings to be expressed is for there to be a sort of middle-man in play, some sort of external object that is capable of transporting these subjectivities to another host.