As far as not being J or Ti dominant, I don't follow my own logic, I always have to create something new for novelty every time, and I don't find myself analyzing things a lot, even though I question myself every time, I don't go that deep into all the logical detailes. I don't follow through with most of my commitments. In my small realm of interests I don't feel as though I go that deep into them. I'm fairly go with the flow and don't really feel being "rational," I feel fairly irregular and irrational most of the time, and most people will tell you that my actions are not really "spontaneous," but definitely don't make a lot of sense, and my thoughts even more so. I feel like a fairly chaotic and disorganized person, just not in the "spontaneous" sense.

I also fit more ILE descriptions, but not when they say I'm an extrovert, talkative or good leader. LII descriptions are too analytical and logical sounding, and sounds like they're really looking for a lot of specific answers and a deep understanding, where as ILE has more creativity and inventiveness that seems to fit me, just not introversion. (correction, actually some descriptions of ILE have said they can be rather quiet and thoughtful) but there's a lot of people on here who say they're not. I am fairly thoughtful, just not in a strongly logical sense.

Just pretend for a second that I don't vibe with a lot of Gammas or how they put things, because I've felt that way a lot in getting to know them, that they're a lot more serious and factual about everything, and don't have the same creativeness, Ne-ness, infantile behavior, etc, that they tell me I have or that I pick up on.