Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
Found I fun little example drawing distinction between and

From the book: MBTI and Socionics: Legacy of Dr. Carl Jung

Question: What is a good description of dinosaurs?
Answer: Dinosaurs came out of the sea onto the land, dominated the animal kingdom, and then a meteor hit our earth and they all died.

Answer: Dinosaurs are lizards, possessing a spine, presently extinct, represent an early life form with a limited intellectual capacity.

is procedural and deductive.
is categorical, formal and inductive.

Yea I think this is good, however I think it suffers in one vein, that being that I don't think Ti or Te egos actually think or talk literally like this. This example is a good example for discerning the difference between the function, but not a very good example when applied to people. So in other words yes I think its good, but its purpose for usefulness in my opinion only really extends into the realm of understanding the theory, and not into anticipating the behavior of individuals with Ti and Te.

One key element to this is that, any Ti or Te ego will have the other function (Te for Ti-ego or Ti for Te-ego) in their id block as a strong function, but not preferred. A Ti type for example is talent/strong at using their Te and Ti functions, but integrates the Te into a their Ti, because it's there ego preference. A Te type integrates the Ti into their Te, because it's there ego preference.

This is made more physical by considering a Ti type taking data, facts and statistics (Te) and using them to build a structural/theoretical understanding of something (Ti). They are not poor at understanding data, facts and statistics.... but their urge is to integrate this knowledge into a structural system, a theory. The system they choose is usually a matter of subjective preference (hence the introverted function).

Te's do the reverse, stripping down theories for data, facts, and statistics. They usually look at the subjective systems as being useless in and of themselves, they are only looking to extrapolate the objective facts from the system.

The point however that I'm making isn't all of that though, its that real Ti and Te types are likely to draw upon both functions from time to time. So a Ti type isn't going to simply be bumbling around claiming everything must fit into a little theory, they may even be big data heads, memorizing tons of objective facts, looking into statistics, be talented at dealing with objective facts.... but more often than not and if given enough time the Ti ego will want to try to systematize these facts into a structural system of their understanding, because its part of their ego, they are more preferential to this form of logical information.

Really the odd thing is that Te and Ti are the same thing, logical information, but they are two different forms of that information. The nature of the information doesn't change but the nature of the person's perspective of that information does change. The Ti type views the logical information from within a subjective framework. The Te types views the logical information from an immediate objective framework. But its the same information, the distinction in viewpoint is merely an introverted/extroverted difference, the introvert being inward facing, the extrovert being outward. The introvert takes in the information from the logical objects (into their system), the extrovert takes out the information (from their system) or observes the object as is.