Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post

That's like the dumbest misrepresentation in this thread, TNT example included.
Yeah it's pretty dumb on it's own. There's also the question. How do I make it go is a request for Te information. If I or someone said you have to wind a watch up to make the hands move then this is a Te response.

If I asked why I would need to wind it up this is a request for a Ti explanation. If you responded by saying, you need to wind it up to make it go, then this is not a Ti answer. If you said I have to wind it up because there's a spring inside which pushes gears that turn wheels that move the clock hands and you would need to wind up the spring to push the gears then this would be a Ti response. - then you would understand two things, that you need to wind the watch up to make it go and why you need to wind the watch up to make it go.