So.. I'm kind of disturbed by a post I came across. I'd like to get to the bottom of it.

Originally Posted by CILi
Don't know if anybody'll see this, but anyway:

Is the inability to disagree with what other people say (even when all logic suggests otherwise) indicative of a certain type, function, PoLR, or something?
Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
YES. It means you're definitely not a type; probably an introverted ethical type.

I would guess EII or SEI. But if you really are anxious about health etc. I would say EII.
^Is this true? I've seen the agreeable behavior in Enneagram 9 like workaholic said in that thread, but it's hard to agree with otherwise. As for Fi doms, lets take the more "colorful" example of "disagreeableness". Why are ESIs, for example, able to be very critical?

"ESIs tend to evaluate people's ethical behavior "as it is" and not "as it could be" or "as it could be interpreted according to the context or another person's point of view". That means that they can be perceived as unrelentingly harsh, even unforgiving or vindictive, when correcting, punishing or even avenging what they see as unethical behavior, especially betrayal of trust. "Evil must be punished" or even "destroyed" is one of the ESI's mottos."

"Accordingly, the ESI is very confident in spotting when another person is "spoiling" a group emotional atmosphere without noticing it, and will discreetly warn that person if the ESI judges it to be advisable in that situation. However, the ESI does not regard such social missteps as a character flaw in the person, and may even be reassured by this kind of awkwardness.

The ESI's ability to merge into a pleasant social atmosphere if he sees no strong reasons for not doing so, and yet actively go against it if he considers it called for, may be perceived as intentional "bitchiness" by those more sensitive to Fe."

Additionally, how do intertype relations even apply across all types if some are intrinsically agreeable? How can an ESI ever operate as an SLE's supervisor, or an ENFp conflict with ISTj? How about when people make a post that expresses disagreement - are they a closet type? Is anyone who relays a story about arguing with someone at work or has an opinion on any political situation or even wants to make a correction on some mundane procedure in daily life a Ti type? I'm not just being rhetorical here - Honestly, it's thrown me for a loop. It isn't my system, so I'd like to understand it clearly.